Hot ass mf with the drip and good charisma. This man makes you question your sexuality.
Male: Daddy, please!
18👍 4👎
A jjk character and a lonely 28 yo virgin with commitment issues who everyone wants to smash for some reason
Person 1: Bro I saw some guy crying at kfc today
Person 2:
Must’ve been Satoru Gojo
9👍 4👎
One of the main protagonists in the Anime: Jujustsu Kaisen
Iam "HE'S YOU!! That's hilarious! He's you. I just watched a video and you make reference to the 'game' you play (or used to play). It's you! That's great. You have to see it. I know you don't want to hear it from us but you're in the same vein. Just look it up on YouTube. Type 'Satoru Gojo Domain Expansion' and you'll see what I'm talking about. It'll be great! I swear you'll love it. Trust me. I really need you to see it."
Hym "You're talking to yourself again...."
Iam "Well, it's better than talking to you isn't it?"
Hym "OHO! Look at the brass ones on you! Did your dick grow a few inches while I wasn't looking? HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"
Iam "..... Am I not allowed to have anything?"
Hym "...No."
Iam "I don't know what I expected asking you..."
Hym "Hahahahahahaha...."
1👍 3👎
a girl starts fuckin herself with a gojo figurine and cums and bleeds all over it
the girl - "say gex "
gojo satoru figurine - " oppa gangam style"
the gojo satoru figurine incident
someone who uses humour to cope, confident asf, does not like to think about the future - or themselves for that matter- and makes everything a joke / is never serious in any situation. -basically meaning their life is a joke- majority of gojo kinnies are entp’s .
A “i hope we can be great friends!”
B “i hope aswell”
A “I forgot to mention, i myself is a gojo satoru kinnie aswell”
B -spits out water-
Some teenager who discovered the colors red and purple
and he can float and take drugs
Gojo Satoru (Awakened) is the strongest and he found that out after he realized he had blue eyes and a master degree in astrophysics or something idk lol also he can make colors
Gojo Satoru is the most delectable finest most gorgeous man on earth. he is the strongest, and he will come back.
Person 1: hey, have you heard of Gojo Satoru?
Person 2: yes omg i wanna get him pregnant so bad
Suguru geto: real