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Che Guevara

Secondary leader of the brutal Marxist revolution along side with Fidel Castro in Cuba, Che is also known for being a Marxist revolutionary throughout Latin America. Che is even made into a key character in the musical "Evita" about Argentinian politics and corruption. Sharing the same opinion as Castro, Che wished to spread communism throughout South America. Che justified the killings of capitalists and other innocent human beings as part of Karl Marx's "dialectic process" of progression into utopian Marxism. Ultimately, Che was a key factor in the destabilization of Latin American governments, and is one of the quintessential causes of prolonged Latin American poverty and widespread death. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro stand on the podium alongside other mass murderers and subversionists in history as evil human beings responsible for destroying the potentials of once great nations.

Che Guevara is the man that Hot Topic puts on its shirts, however little consumerist "anti-society" children don't know that Che probably would have tried to kill them if he was alive today

by FreeMarketPatriot March 7, 2006

492πŸ‘ 355πŸ‘Ž

che guevara

A rather naive Marxist mass-murderer, who carried out Revolutionary "Justice" in Cuba, normally with a pistol to the temple. Drove Cuba's economy into the ground as its head by having a system where supply and demand did not dictate price, but the "social worth" of the item in question. Relished the idea of a global nuclear war between Socialism and Imperialism/Capitalism, and firmly believed that "The People" would be grateful for such a conflict. After falling out of favour in Cuba, he tried to sell himself as a wandering revolutionary in South America, so determined to "help the people" that he wasn't bothered with trifling little details about who they were and what they wanted (he tried to sell a communist revolution to Bolivian natives, who owned their own land and were perfectly happy and therefore told him to sod off). Ended up getting topped in Bolivia by CIA trained soldiers.

Che Guevara is idolised by all kinds of naive students and marxists who are more interested in the myths about the man than what he actually did

by stoatman August 31, 2004

874πŸ‘ 648πŸ‘Ž

Che Guevara

A man whose picture appears on red T-shirts at Hot Topic for around $15-20 bucks. You can also buy iron-on patches and label buttons with Che's face on them for about $1 buck each.

What better way to display your fad-driven support of Communism by buying merchandise supplied by large corporations? Who cares if your supporting the "machine", he looks so badass on those T-shirts. You're sure to impress all your punk/stoner friends and maybe attract that cute alternachick that sits in front of you in your art class if ol' Che is with you.

I'm sure that this is exactly what Che would want: his image used by corporations to sell merchandise to naive teenage "rebels". Corporations know that most so-called "Communists" and "Anarchists" are just glorified potheads that can be just as easily manipulated as an Abercrombie shopper.

Get your parent's credit cards, kids! Cause there's a 50% discount on all Communist related merchandise at Hot Topic! This week only!

See also irony.

by Che Mama March 7, 2005

898πŸ‘ 673πŸ‘Ž

Che Guevara

Che Guevara was a anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-black mass-murdering psychopath who is inexplicably idolized by idiotic high-school and college liberals. He is most commonly seen adorning t-shirts purchased from corrupt capitalist corporations, which is ironic considering the fact that Che Guevara was a Communist.

Che Guevara died like a bitch at the age of 39 by execution while begging for his life like the coward he was. He is currently rotting in the pits of hell right next to Joseph and Adolf.

"Rebellious" Liberal: Man, Che Guevara was a political genius! Viva la RevoluciΓ³n!
Intelligent Human Being: Che Guevara? You mean the mass-murdering commie scumfuck war criminal who killed thousands without due process or trial? Go and educate yourself before you spread the philosophy of terrorists, mmmkay?

by Smithy983497 April 20, 2015

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Che Guevara

Another communist pinko loser. Communism sucks. Get a job and do something with your life and stop complaining and trying to suck everything out of people who actually work hard to get wealthy.

All you liberal communist hippies who want a revolution so you can just sit around like bums doing nothing with your life disgusts me. Communism will never work. And who in their right mind thinks that they can decide what "the people" want. Only poor people, bums, and tree huggers want communism because they are jealous that others have what they don't.

by Shoelace February 11, 2005

527πŸ‘ 411πŸ‘Ž

che guevara

1. According to Paris Hilton a Fashion Designer
2. According to a girl I know a Popstar
3. A son of a rich Family who became a Doctor n then decided to fight against capitalism. Oh I forgot not in his own Country but somewhere else. COS HIS PARENTS WERE DAMN RICH! N SO WAS HE! That's what ppl call hipocracy

Btw He'd rotate in his grave if he's know that a lot of dollars r made with his face on fashion

by Felix February 10, 2005

378πŸ‘ 303πŸ‘Ž

che guevara

A racist mass murderer.

Che Guevara was a racist piece of shit mass murderer like Adolf Hitler except that he was Cuban and didn't kill as many people before he got his brains splattered all over that ground which he deserved because he did the same thing to so many others =)

by I'mrightsoyou'rewrong June 1, 2005

463πŸ‘ 382πŸ‘Ž