Source Code

gutta bitch

Your main girl "bottom bitch"

I'm gonna always fuck with her, she's my gutta bitch

by Yoski Pond January 29, 2006

339๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gutta Bitch

a real azz independent classy yet hood female who is down 4 her nigga but only if her nigga down 4 her she can hold her own and don't need help from nobody she don't ride with clicks she solo but fuckz with a few she true 2 her self and respects herself she dont run around talking shit about other people if she got something to say about a person she'll tell you str8 up, she is a real friend but only to the people she feel real, she aint a loud-mouth aint ratchet or trys 2 pop off or nothing but if u start to provoke her she can goin hold her own

That bitch be talkin so much shit about people and she think she bad but she is nothing but a nasty dirty bald hoe she aint no gutta bitch.

by real azz February 23, 2009

312๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gutta Hoe

A girl that is such a down ass hoe she will fuck another dude at her boyfriends house in his bed while he is out of town.

She is such a gutta hoe she fucked some dude in camerons house while he was out of town.

by Bbro228 March 24, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gutta Bitches

A group of down ass girls, they dont take shit, but dont talk it either. when you fuck with one of them, you get all of em. they dont walk around looking for trouble, but when one of them has something to say, they make it heard.

"Damn here comes those gutta bitches, someone is about to get knocked the fuck out."

by BSTROUD March 18, 2009

30๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gutta pussy

Kittens that firefighters rescue from the gutter or storm drain.

Yo Corteezy you seen them firefighters gettin that gutta pussy.

by Juice.0 August 14, 2018

Porta Gutta

South Australian Slang for "Port Augusta"

Person 1: What you doing today?
Person 2: I'm Going fishing at Porta Gutta
Person 1: Ahh, thats heaps good

by aussie_babee December 7, 2009

52๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gutta monkey

My little brother Ellis

Gutta monkey come here / Gutta monkey mom wants you

by Eve banks September 10, 2022