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Hms means “H@ñg myself” and

another term Hys means “H@ñg Yourself”, please don’t harass people using these Terms please ty

“go hys
“you make me wanna hms

by lesbian_mess March 10, 2022


'Her Majesty's Ship' in reference to 'shipping' for fandoms. In my experience, I have only seen this referred to in the Harry Potter fandom. It may be in others, but I dont know.

The HMS Orange Crush is my preferred shipping, and I absolutely barf when I find out someone ships HMS Harmony.

by Rosalie M July 11, 2008

32👍 50👎


He is sweet kind and always there for you . He is handsome and a real keeper you will instantly fall in love with his charm and charisma confidence and blue eyes. He is every girl's dream and knows how to treat a lady.


by Thispagewasmadeforme October 1, 2020

2👍 3👎


A nice thoughtful guy that does amazing things in life and likes to pursue multiple careers, he most likely is going to be an amazing rapper/singer, a Forex Market Trader, A professional gamer that's going to join Faze or he's gonna have his own business. Hes an amzing person that is nice to everyone and is really focuses on his relgion. Call him HM cause he the goat.

Oh.. my.. god.. no way its HM the G.O.A.T.!!!

by jxmie April 30, 2020

2👍 2👎


Hakuna Matata, no worries. Derived from the Walt Disney feature film "The Lion King". Also used as a sign off or hello. General well wishing towards someone. Can also be used as an adjective determining how relaxed or "worry free" an activity or action is.

I'm going to bed now everyone, HM!

HM mate!
That dance is very HM.
This drive is so HM.

by X-Alted One September 29, 2010

22👍 37👎


a short abbreviation for hot monkey sex, involving two or more individuals and of course a monkey.

Damn son did you hear about all that HMS brad and riannon are having lately?

by brad fretz January 28, 2008

49👍 100👎


HMS is the acronym for Harvard Medical School.

HMS is used by lazy/terse people on SDN instead of writing out "Harvard Medical School."

by suzshelmerd August 1, 2017

4👍 4👎