Habbo is a waste of your life. I have realized over the 7 months playing it that it is not safe, not worth it, and a rip off. I have met alot of pretty cool people.
When i first went on habbo i didn't know what it was all about. So i would act like a 'newbie' or a 'noob' just to figure things out. I didn't go on that much. Mostly just once a week or every other week. Then i started to get addicted after earning 3 chairs. (also known as furni)
Now i look at my habbo as rich. I have alot of furni, but i have only bought 20% of it. The 80% of the furni i have earned through giveaways, games, and kind friends.
Habbohotel.com is gay, in my opinion. I go there and all i hear about is s3x. I find more scammers there, scripters, and more people!
I go on habbohotel.ca, and there are less people so that makes it less sick and more enjoyable.
HOBBAS: in my opinion need to get a life because they're wasting their time banning kids who need to grow up.
I have read through alot of definitions on here and i agree with the 7-10 year olds who can't spell, and like s3x.
I believe that maybe there are 30-50 year olds using the site acting younger.
If i were you i would get to know the person first before adding them to your friends list. (Console)
Don't go for people who ask too many personal questions, even if they are the nicest person in the world. Don't believe that its someones birthday on habbo, because they just want furni. On my habbo birthday i got 30 credits and 5 gifts.
Habbo can drop your grades, make you gain weight, make you waste YOUR spending money on for Habbo Club (HC), and buy pixelated furni that isn't even real. But then again it is fun to acutally EARN the furni instead of buying it yourself. Buying HC is sort of a waste because you only get 30 days of it, then maybe you want to buy it again another day. You do get rares everytime you get it which can make any habbo happy.
What i hate the MOST is when your friends on console send you a message saying their going to quit. And for the stupidest reasons:
-been dumped by dating some guy
-friend is mad at them
-nobody 'likes' them
-friends do not come to their room
-running out of HC
And more.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Guy: Omg your soooo hottt!
Girl: Your sooo hot too!
Guy: Asl?
Girl: *thinks* 14/f/ontario canada.
Guy: Omg! Same!
I have noticed alot of people that do asl usually copy what the other person says except just putting male/female, which is stupid.
83๐ 29๐
I'd like to add to my previous definition of this word/phrase.
The concept of habbo hotel had the potential to be an exciting new way to interact and chat with others. While this is just about still possible unfortunately the site is now completely infested with kids who havent yet grown any 'curlies'.
This was always going to happen given the original design and the continual tweaking of the site to appeal to this audience. However if you think you could bare being in the company of 10-16 year olds in the faint hope of meeting someone a like age and mind you'll probably quit the site after you've discovered habbo culture.
Habbo culture today is pretty much centred around the site owners money making scheme that these impressionable little sobs are all too happy to invest into. By parting with their pocket money/phone credit the kids can buy virtual 'furni' furniture to decorate and personalise a blank room of their own. This has now completely gotten out of hand, inane kids spend their time either swapping 'furni', scamming naive people into giving them access to their accounts and thus access to their furni/credits, or setting up virtual job agencies.
The net result of all this is a chatroom clogged with habbos shouting out adverts to join job agencies/go to someones room/swap furni/scam/beg people for free furni and so forth, these are all scrolled (repeated quickly many times) so you havent got much of a chance to actually chat should you want to.
All in all habbo hotel is for kids and kiddy fiddlers, preferably with some disposable income.
habbo hotel is a special place with vacancies for kids and kiddy fiddlers
660๐ 284๐
A pixelated virtual hotel, full of annoying brats that not hit puberty.
It is full of thousands of rooms; most rooms have no furniture.
The site makes you spend real life money on.. basically... nothing.
If you don't spend money, you'll be called "noobs" > for not having HC - Habbo Club.
Being money whores, they bring in a new system called VIP with loads more clothes than habbo club and norms.
12๐ 3๐
A virtual website where perverts and creeps can talk to innocent childeren. It's a VERY addicting game. I, myself, was addicted to Habbo Hotel until my parents made me quit. Once I got off of it I found a lot of much better sites than Habbo Hotel. People can get so addicted that Habbo Hotel is soon there reality. When I was playing it I was so addicted that i would play it 24-7 day and night. I wouldn't talk to my friends, family, and I got bad grades in school. The things I hate about Habbo Hotel Is that people ask for others ASL's. A guy could say asl? and the girl would say 15.f.ny and he would say Oh me too. But sadly the fact is MOST of the people that do that is really 40 year old men. The other thing is that people get bf's and gf's over the web, it's so pathetic. The other thing is furni. People actually have to pay real money for pixilized furni. It's like throwing your money in the garbage can. The fact is that over the internet you really don't know who you are talking to over the internet unless you know them. It's really important when someone asks you something creepy to just get out of that situation which most people don't do. AND LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS FOR GOD SAKE.
Habbo hotel is very evil and a scam. MUCH BETTER THINGS TO DO
58๐ 21๐
A stupid site that, UNBELIEVEBLY, is worse than cokemusic.com Its loaded with preteen geeks who talk to no one in the real world and think they can get a "gf" or "bf" in a fucked up game. It also has tons of perverted fifty year old fat men. Who pretend that they are preteens.
Habbo Hotel is run by a bunch of money-hungry assholes who like to get kids to waste their money on pixellated furniture.
141๐ 60๐
An online hotel consisting of:
A) Thirty-five year-old men still living in their mothers basement trying to talk to thirteen year old girls
B) Thirteen year old girls
"you missed D&D last night man, where were you?"
"talkin to hot thirteen year-olds on habbo hotel"
11๐ 3๐
Little people that look like legos run around talking to each other in virtual rooms that they can make themself. Highly addicting. Not worth spending money on, but you can meet some interesting people if you look hard enough. You gotta look hard though. And then theres the dramatic ones that take everything super serious.
Try not to get sucked in so much that you foget to eat though, that could be devistating.
Habbo1: Will you marry me?
Habbo2: omg! ok!
Habbo 1: This isn't working out
Habbod00d: I lost 50 pounds and 12 inches off my waist by switching to habbo!
444๐ 211๐