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an idot

you are an Henry

by da king bob boy June 15, 2018

45πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


3.5 grams on the drug scale, eight of an ounce, derives from henry the eigth a king of England.

have come to get henry.

by latif July 10, 2004

1259πŸ‘ 768πŸ‘Ž


A Finnish child's name,
He is usually calm and has fragile self-esteem (Don't destroy him)
He's cold on the outside but sweet on the inside
If you manage to make him like you, he will care for you.

Why is that guy texting you daily?
He's like a Henri, that's why

by Henri05 July 2, 2018

26πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a name for a hot teenager who drives alll girls crzy
a guy tat you have to have as ur bf cuz he is so unique cute,and funny adorable,FINEEEEE,and snartND yet is sooo shy

girl:omg who is he?he looks soo hot nd kute i bet his name is henry
girl:hiz name i is henry
girl:tat explains sooo much

by kitlove15zagf February 6, 2011

108πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


When a girl really likes a boy he would be her Henry

The boy may not feel the same about the girl or he may not even know the girl likes him

Often your Henry is someone you have liked for a while now and you have probably already gotten off with them

Girl 1: Omg my Henry has left me on read for 3 minutes

Girl 2: Well my Henry has left me on delivered for 3 months

Girl 3: Oh we need to find you guys new Henry’s. I’m meeting mine tomorrow for food!!!

by Ohaye December 3, 2019

45πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A male who is a bright person by others,
but at the same time is considered to be mega sexy and hot. Often nicknamed "the Stallion" for being able to have sex all night with his huge cock. Bitches love to be around him.

That guy is such a henry!

by alai132 June 11, 2008

2064πŸ‘ 1314πŸ‘Ž


Henry is so Handsome, Caring, Loving and the most perfect human ik.

Henry is the type of guy that you’re best friends with and then he does small things that eventually make you actually fall in love with him. You might have only seen him once in real life but that one time helps you realise how amazing this guy is. You would have been talking for months day in day out. And you may have got drunk and told him you liked him and didn’t talk about it for a month and it may annoy you a tiny bit and if ur reading this you definitely know it’s me. BUT AHHH a DiLlEmAπŸ˜‚.This definition is actually just to say I love you so much and i wanna spend my life with you and i can’t wait to wake up in ur arms and be goofy with you.
Also PS... why you googling ur name? πŸ˜‚

Friend β€œoh so this is henry”
Me β€œyup that’s my boyfriend πŸ˜β€

πŸ˜‚what am i doing

by ifyouseethisplsknowiloveyou April 23, 2020

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž