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Something unnecassary after 7 hours a day, 5 days a week of school. Only evil teachers hand out lots of this.

I should be doing homework right now...

by musiclove December 15, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


How a
How ab
How abo
How abou
How about
How about n
How about no

The dumbass teacher assigned a fucking homework assignment so everyone said "FUCK THIS STUPID SHITTY HOMEWORK!" and also said "HOW ABOUT NO! WE WON'T DO THIS FUCKING HOMEWORK!"

by 131243urbandictionary342131 February 17, 2013

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fucking hell

Dude, I had like 3 hours of homework last night.

That's all?

by Brutemold31 October 8, 2015


Work a teacher gives you to do at your house; something no human wants to do; a burden to society!

My teacher gave me Homework to do over the weekend.

by LlamaMama902 January 20, 2015


A very hypocritical task usually given at the end of each class.

First discovered to be hypocritical by Scholars in the early 18th century, homework was quickly added to John. C. Clivens list of the hypocritical. It was first discovered to be hypocritical when a small boy came home with a stack of books and was unable to finish building the wooden horse he was ordered to make for his sister. The next day he was sent to school with a hammer, a saw, sand paper, paint, and a few nails to finish the wooden horse. Everything was immediately confiscated by his teacher, never to be seen again. His sister never received the horse, and his family disowned him. It was all because he allowed to bring schoolwork home, but he was not allowed to bring work from home to school.

However, this story is widely denied by every school system across the globe. The school system has been trying to shake off the stories of how hypocritical homework is for ages, but every time they think it's finally gone and forgotten, the story emerges with new and strong evidence. As the years go by it is getting even harder to deny the truth, that homework is, in fact,hypocritical.

Johnny, what are you doing?
I'm doing Homework mom.
Oh okay, you keep on it.

JOHNNY! what are you doing?
I'm making a wooden horse for my sister Mrs. Pooplax.
You give that to me right now young man, you know your not allowed to bring that to school!
But I didn't have time to play it last night, the 20 pages of math homework you gave me took all night.

by Mrs. Pooplax March 25, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


What you should be doing right now.

I should be doing homework right now instead of reading hilarious definitions on Urban Dictionary.

by Smashing Pumpkins Fan October 6, 2008

386๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


DICTIONARY STYLE: school work given to students to be completed at home
MINE AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT ISNT A TEACHER'S STYLE: an absolute waste of time. lets go to school to sit on our asses and listen to a teacher talk the whole period, while we could be doing work that is now classified as homework. we could be out with friends having fun or locked in our rooms in an intense game of modern warfare 2 or uncharted 2 or whatever game you play or playing sports preventing obesity or doing whatever the fuck we need to get by in our lives without hurting or killing ourselves. by the way, hillary clinton is a cock licking dick sucking wang fucking bitch who wants to give us school on saturday and 7 hours a day instead of 6-6.5.
homework causes (in me and my friends at least): suicidal thoughts, hating a teacher, hating school, hating life, not being able to have a life, taking away valuable free time, writing definitions of it on urban dictionary.

me: "Mrs fuckhole gave out so much homework the day we got back from christmas break. i just found out thats the reason why whats-her-face killed herself.
friend: "...*silence*...
me: "bob? billy bob joe? bing bong bob? bubbity bubba bob? hey bob why arent you- HOLY SHIT"
*friend lies there with a gun next to him with a hole in his head and a note that says "fuck homework fuck my life fuck you all good bye"

by iceBomb34 January 4, 2010

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