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the sweetness between your bitches legs....................

Hey Hey Mamma when you walk that way watch that hunny drip can't keep away.

by Anonymous October 31, 2003

33👍 106👎


A super cute nickname for the cutest girl in the world.

My Hunnis is the most adorable, sweet, and cute girl in the world.

by jws5212 November 24, 2016

6👍 17👎

ah hunny hunny

When you see someone and think they are sexy and they make you feel horny. Sometimes used if you think your teacher is fit. You say "Ah hunny hunny".

Person 1: Woah she's sexy!
Person 2: She's making me horny!
Person 3: .... Ah hunny hunny!

by Forensic March 20, 2016


10 onces of weed, typicaly at 10 a g, its a hundred dollars, simpled as a hunny.

hey jimme ; lemme holler a hunny
show thang brah

by phycopimpernel May 4, 2017

3👍 14👎

hunnie pants

girlfriend with a sweet ass and is AWSOME

Kaitlyn is my hunnie pants, she grinds me mad good and gives me uber dome

by Thezone December 17, 2006

41👍 3👎

hunny hunting

The process of scoping out hunnys and getting their number
the rules are:
Never go alone (that’s called stalking)
• Hunny hunt at you level nothing below a 6 on the 1-10 scale of hotness (anything below a 6 is not legally considered a hunny)
• Dress good , unless at beach were no shirt is accepted every where else must dress “goodly
• Try not to be out numbered by girls that way it is harder for them to "kick you to the curb"
• Be aware girls travel in packs
• Pick out a prime location (park, beach, mall, movies etc….)
• Help a friend get a fine hunny even if it means talking to the ugly one
• Don’t use cheesy pick up lines Ex. (did it hurt……when you fell from heaven)
• Rock, Paper Scissors settles all problems that occur during hunny hunting (best 2 out of 3) counted by 1..2..3..shoot (go on shoot)
• Hats are frowned upon except in the case where your hair is messed or you look good in a hat
• A hunny hunt is considered successful when personnel information is exchanged (phone number, screen name, or name even) a conversation most have occurred
• Do not brag about anything that is a major turnoff and will ensure failure
• Lying is bad to
• If Hunny Hunting out of a car have the car be a nice car (NO MINIVANS(unless it is a cool minivan) and have good music playing (I.E. Rob Thomas – Lonely No More)
• Always follow the “80% Rule” (this rule is so there is no major and awkward age gap) (the rule works like this take the youngest persons age and divide it by the older persons age if it comes out to be great then 80% then it is ok to continue (THERE IS NO ROUNDING OF NUMBER IF IT IS 79.9999 it is still 79 not 80)) EXAMPLE: a guy (16) sees this fly hunny (13) and he’s all like dude she’s hot then his friend is like dude I think she may be below 80% so you whip out your pocket calculator and see 13/16= 81% so your like score but then she denies you because DUDE YOU CARRY AROUND A POCKET CALCULATOR.
• Use bait (such as little sisters/brothers, dogs (puppies) anything you can think of)

Jon: dude i'm bored
Noah: me too
Jon: wanna go hunny hunting at the mall
Noah: yea sure let me comb my hair first
Jon: remeber don't bring you calculator

by chefy May 26, 2006

71👍 6👎


A culturally-tasteful abbreviation for "Honey Mustard."

"Can I get the chicken nuggie 20-piece w/ extra Hunny-Mussy? Please and thank you."

by isunburneasily April 22, 2021

12👍 2👎