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thy huynh

she is obsessed with "monky feet"
also loves *cupcake* =)

thy huynh says, " i love cupcake..she is my everything..sh eis better than mikee..<--LOL!! =D "

by cupcakes March 10, 2003

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kevin huynh

A really big sex addict who lover to suck pussy/dick

Omg brook is such a kevin huynh

by Hot Ass Bitchy Hoe January 11, 2018

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Monica Huynh

The most weirdest person you will ever meet. Like duh seriously who the hell thinks of donkneys and dolphins. She may thinks she really cool but really isnt. She is very embarrassing to be with because doesnt even seem to act the age shes supposed to be

Fred: holy shiet who the hells waving there hands like doofus to us
Jack: idk but its prolly monica huynh.... shes so ... monica like and gay..... AHAHAHAHAHHAH
Fred: shieee meng lets run away or will be infected

by THEBOOGARMENG May 28, 2012

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madden huynh

A really cool and funny guy .

Madden huynh is a cool and funny guy .

by Awdtg November 3, 2020

emily huynh

pokemon master, may scream "FIGHT ME" when confronted or enraged, highly likely to scream ceaselessly if a baby possum crawls into her house

dang that girl is so Emily Huynh, I wouldn't mess with her

by downtofrisbee April 29, 2016

Ben Huynh

Ben Huynhโ€™s typically fall into the short side of society. With moms and sisters ranging from 10-15s on the 1-10 hotness scale, he clearly got the butt end of the genes. Although, he tapped.

Oliver: Ben Huynh is really cool!
Ben: xue hua piao piao bei feung xiou xiou

by CraigMelvinMSNBCAnchor June 1, 2020

Dennis Huynh

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

get rickrolled ghidorah from discord
-Dennis Huynh

by Cybora May 20, 2022