A "Hyatt" is a gay memer who uses ironic and satirical to hide their depression and inner sadness, if you encounter a "Hyatt" then your only defense is to text "ha kys fam ur not even lit" and hope for the best 1 meme posted means yes and that the memer will leave, 2 memes means your trapped in the "Hyatt's" prison, at this point you can only hope for the sweet release of death.
Mom: So how is Jessie after what happened?
Son: He's acting fine, I guess, but he keeps spamming "lit" after dabbing, oh and he said he's gay now.
Mom:Honey, Jessie is dead now!
Son: What? Mom what are you saying, what do you mean?You don't think....
Mom: Yes, I'm sorry honey but he's a....ah "Hyatt" now.
The words leave her mouth in a shuttering, almost gasping sound
Son: No, oh god*tears start to form and fall to his cheeks* mom.....he sent me 2 memes
A portal then forms from the air and Jessie then comes out to dab the child in, he wasn't seen ever again.