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Ima dip

basically meaning your going to go because it’s lame or you ain’t tryna get in trouble

Friend: yo it’s a fight!!!
Me: ima dip

by Anonymous9383737388 March 1, 2020

Ima robot

Very awesome rock band. Cooky lead singer named Alex. He has a mullet. Biggest hit-dynomite. Recently touring with Hot Hot Heat...another great rock band.

by Anonymous October 25, 2003

57πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

ima taste it

A phrase used in place of "I agree" or "sounds like a plan".

yeah ima taste it

by lookslikewemaaaadeit June 23, 2011

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ima Monster

Popular song by Blood on the Dance Floor. First released on the "It's Hard to Be A Diamond In a Rhinestone World" album. Known for chorus,...
Chop, Chop, Chop you up,

Eat you like a cannibal
spit you out like an animal
SLice, Slice, Slice you up,
Cut you up i'll slice and dice
Serve you up as cold as ice.

Girl- So what's your favorite Blood on the Dance Floor song?
Guy- Well, i'd have to say... Ima Monster, it's such a good song!!!

by ImaMonsterHaHaHa December 27, 2010

40πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

ima tap that

The art of wanting to tap dat ass

I was walking down the hall when a very fine girl with an ass of the gods walk in front of me I then turned to my broski nick and implied that Ima tap that

by Swagmaster24 February 27, 2014

Ima dip

what you say when you wanna leave in a awkward or even troubling station

Her: we need to talk

Me: ima dip

by For why'd March 17, 2021

Ima just

The feeling you get when doing a tough activity (such as ur mom) and want to throw things

Teacher: five page essay do in 2 days

Student: ima just *computer gone*

by I am not ur mom December 9, 2021