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Biblically Incorrect

Someone or something that is not Biblically accurate.
Disregarding or unconcerned with Biblical correctness.

Also; Biblical Incorrectness / Biblical Incorrectiveness

Renderings of Jesus with long hair may be Biblically Incorrect.

by Panthera Atrox January 31, 2011

Incorrect Blow

The act of unintentionally insulting someone while trying to insult someone else.

When Luccas insulted Adam, he made an incorrect blow by insulting Dalton at the same time.

by Cringe_General May 18, 2019

incorrect change

when you see a woman far away and you think she's a dime but in reality she's a nickel or a rusty penny

Gavin: Dude you see that's fine chick over there
Paul: Naw man you got incorrect change check again she's fugly

by demonking2222 March 23, 2014

Incorrect Spelling

When a word is changed or formatted so that it's not in its natural state, then it is spelt wrong. EVEN if it is a shortened version.

Incorrect Spelling/Incorret Spelling

by The Nazi Speller January 12, 2011

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incorrect fuck

Someone who is completely and utterly wrong in terms of the words flowing from their mouth. Either they are bullshitting intentionally or are just speaking about something they do not understand, yet in an arrogant, know-it-all fashion.

Steven, you are an incorrect fuck.

She is such an incorrect fuck, she doesn't know what she's talking about.

by Chika March 17, 2010

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paralytically incorrect

When, following the consumption of unhealthy amounts of alcohol, ones usually easy going and tolerant views are discarded for a somewhat more robust manifesto.

Stemming from 'paralytic' (Brit. slang) meaning extremely drunk.

Hello Bob. Did you have a good time last night?

No Ted, I feel like shit and I can't remember how I got home. I hope I didn't become paralytically incorrect.

by Antony December 20, 2003

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romantically incorrect

Not saying and/or doing the things in a relationship that reach the standards of an obnoxiously idealistic significant other. Not adhering to the unwritten rules, AKA unrealistic cliches, of romance.

Jane: Ted, I love you so much, I would do absolutely anything for you! Do you feel the same way about me?

Ted: I hate to be romantically incorrect, but no. That's just stupid.

by bdawk20fan July 19, 2010

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