Definition is for asian indian (am one myself). Stereotypes include but are not limited to-
1. indians smell. obvious where this comes from, we do generally eat spicy food but im pretty sure that we dont smell of it 24/7.
2. indians have a superiority complex. im being totally objective here; yes some of us do. i dont but my parents are forever being annoying by comparing other things unfavourably to indian things. i hate this. objectivity is important. but wth i have to put up with it because theyre mad.
3. we're intelligent. i dont know about the actual genetic value of this stereotype but a lot, and i mean A LOT of emphasis is placed on education within indian teenagers. where i live in england, if i study a lot my british friends would say 'omg you've like studied all day! you need to take a break' if i did the same thing in india, my indian friends would probably say 'omg is that all youve done? how much do you think youre gonna get on the test? are you confident that that much studying is enough?' so yeah it can get pretty heavy.
IMO you cant really stereotype a country with over 1 billion people. theres lots of different people, everyone is unique and yeah just bear that in mind not only for indians, but for ANY racial/social stereotype.
1. 'dude you eat curry all the time, you stink' -ignorant loser
'well at least i have deodorant. unfortunately there is no cure for stupid people yet. though i hear they're doing research on it in india' -indian person
2. 'okay so britain might be developed but obviously india is much better' - MY DAD >.<
'hmm. so although britain has little to no poverty, an excellent welfare state, and effective law enforcement policies, it is still somehow worse than india which is in still in stage 2 development? am i the only one who sees the flaw in this argument?' - me
3. 'you know raj got 98% in maths last week?' -some guy
'wow.. his parents must have given him hell for that' - indian empathiser
'why? thats an awesome score, he only misplaced a decimal point' - some guy
'you clearly know nothing about indian/asian parents' - indian empathiser *shakes head sadly*
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The cheapskates who invented zero.
Indian: *looking at the natural numbers listed* One, two, three, four....(Pause)
But none of those are the amounts I want to pay.
Draws a circle. Lets call this 'Jheero'
Another Indian: Its beautiful.
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1) A person from India
2) A native American
I am from India, therefore I am Indian.
I am a native american, i don't know why people call me Indian.
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All ways work in I.T
If they cant get an I.T Job they go to seven Eleven
Is He in I.t
He must be hes indian
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A total fan of independent music
I'm so Indian I buy major label music CDs just to crush and smash them
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People talk about genocide like it just happens in Africa to get their focus off what happened on Indian land in the last few hundred years. Thanksgiving is the most pretentious and insincere holiday there is. People pretend to be thankful to live on Indian land, especially the white people who think they're doing the Indians a favor by decapitating a Columbus statue and protesting it.
Thanksgiving is what the people desperate to convince the Indians and everyone else they don't care what anybody thinks of them would call a holiday like Thanksgiving. People quit thanking the Indians for their land long ago.
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A beautiful counrty with beautiful people and places, but a massive ionferiority complex...(most people of indian origin will tell you that India is the most wonderful place in the universe, but with an arrogance that astounds! don't belive me? just read the other entries!!!)
I went to the Taj Mahal, whilst looking around this indian girl started talking to me, she was georgeous but couldn't stop telling me how many of america's med students and NASA scientists are Indian
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