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A girl who is filled with so much charm she has some of the most beautiful eyes you ever seen, she may be goofy and playful but unless you know her you'll know that she's been through alot, she is a must have friend, when her friends are in need of help she is the person who can care for them, she usually has long hair to match the beauty within her, one of the most incredible girls you'll ever meet, when isabel is stressed or hurt she lays in her bed wishing to be in someones arms, isabel isn't the type of girl where you hit it and quit it, but you find yourself in love with her, she often is latino or looks hispanic, she's the type of girl who you want to take has your queen

Example 1: awwww look at isabel wrapped up in her boyfriend's arms

Example 2: hey doesn't isabel look hispanic to you

by just that guy again August 23, 2011

1341๐Ÿ‘ 322๐Ÿ‘Ž


Isabel is the best girlfriend you could ever ask for. She's the most beautiful of them all and you are always proud to be seen with her in public. She is the most amazing girlfriend and also the best friend. You can talk to her about everything and anything. Shell also listen to everything you say. She has the most amazing smile that will never leave her beutiful face. you can talk to her for hours and never get bored. And you can never get her out of your mind. She is by far the best part of your day Oh and she's awesome

Isabel the bestest creature out there.

by rorie dlog November 15, 2011

160๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Isabel is an amazing girl and she's more than perfect. She's amazing in every way and is always fun to be around even if she's in a bad mood. I love her so much. She's my everything. My life. My angel. My world. She has my heart. And my soul. She has the key to my heart and soul also. I would do anything to make her happy. She's my one and only. I love her more than anyone else. She's extremely beautiful, cute, pretty, funny, and sexy. She's amazing. Without her, I'd be nothing. My beautiful Isabel

My beautiful Isabel

by Sky13Bells12 December 4, 2011

202๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


Always a warm hearted girl, Good looking, Always there for you, Always close to people called Harrison, Always there to cheer you when your sad, She also Swallows, Most of all she is the Cutest girl in the world!

Isabel is so cute!

by WestyInHD October 16, 2014

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Isabel is the kind of person who is smart, has beautiful art skills, and very kind; but she tends not to realize it. She happens to take it too hard on herself, but struggles to show her feelings to others. She is quiet, loving, and dorky in the best way possible! People tend to not take much notice of her, but they don't understand who she really is. Probably because she spends most of her time alone. She is also the best sibling ever!

"Did you see the painting Isabel entered in the art contest?"
"Of course I did! Isabel is the best artist in the school."

by WickerBird October 28, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fun,super sweet girl,and she can make u laugh so hard that you'll pee yourself. She can get a little lez at times but ya gotta lover.

Girl: She was so an Isabel! she got all over me last night at that party!

by MsLadybug1011 November 24, 2011

79๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl that can kick and is unusually strong. She can be mature enough to pass for 14 when she's 11. Isabels are beautiful and hilarious. If you need advice go to Isabel. Isabels are extremely badass and LOVE a dare. they are great dancers and great singers. They don'y mind embarrassing themselves in front of people, Isabels are great friends.

-What kind of deodorant is THAT, Isabel?!?!
-Old Spice.

by Bellamoore11 August 1, 2011

838๐Ÿ‘ 257๐Ÿ‘Ž