When one is trying to live their life in their day and massive trout are in the road and there is no road signs to sort out the mess of trout barkers in the squirm mud hut.
This road is super jabbis - ask for directions at the next mud guppy hut
out of the ordinary; oddly shaped; just over all strange.
This place is just a bunch of wabby jabby; you look so wabby jabby; that thing is so wabby jabby
When you stab a girl in the cheek and then fuck the slit you created into her mouth. It's not a blow job because you are not going through the lips. It's a Blang Jabby!
Yo Bitch! I'm gonna give you a muthfuckin' Blang Jabby!
Jabby- a slang name for yogurt
How are you buddyy, just gone to buy a jabby
Jabby- a slang name for yogurt
How are you buddyy, just gone to buy a jabby
Jabby- a slang name for yogurt
How are you buddyy, just gone to buy a jabby