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An extremely loud Irish youtuber, who is good friends with Swedish youtuber PewDiePie. Watch your volume when you're looking at his video's, you may well burst your eardrums. He is a very wholesome man and cares for and keeps in contact with his fans more than most and easily one of the funniest YouTubers out there.

Friend 1: have you ever watched Jacksepticeye, he's great
Friend 2: no I'll watch him now *puts headphones in and puts on some of his funniest home videos*
friend 1: I'll phone the ambulance

by Amrav135 December 22, 2019


bossest boss ever

hey look its jacksepticeye

by hentai shitler December 3, 2018

5👍 1👎


A funny, childish, loud, energetic, Irish YouTuber who will always be there for you even if he doesn’t know it, he’s the heart and soul of PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) he will always make you laugh or even crack a little smile, he’s also very in touch with his feminine side and isn’t afraid to show it, we love jacksepticeye

Friend: why do you like jacksepticeye so much, he’s just a man playing video games

Me: look him up in the Urban Dictionary, then you’ll understand

by Random girl who gives out UwUs May 28, 2019

5👍 1👎


Irish potato.

Put a human brain inside a potato and it'll come Jacksepticeye.
Also who gave it a camera?

by GadriX December 23, 2019

5👍 1👎


A loud and amazing irish youtuber. A.k.a. Seán William McLoughlin. He us one of the most successful youtubers with over 14 million subscribers. He is also very good friends with Pewdiepie, Markiplier and many others. He has a girlfriend Signe Hansen and she also haves a youtube chanell Wiishu.

I am so obsessed with Jacksepticeye it hurts

by MinionMaster93 March 19, 2017

9👍 4👎


Irish video game guy.

Jacksepticeye is the Irish video game guy.

by Noisypoetryprincess October 7, 2020


Jacksepticeye is an amazing, loud, Irish Youtuber who just reached 20 million subscribers. Jack or Sean is very popular on Youtube and has inspired people to Be Themselves and Never Stop Following Their Dreams since 2007.

Jacksepticeye is the BOSS!!

by The_Fug September 4, 2018