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A Jane is a very beautiful lady! She is strong and determined and barely crys! She’s also a hard worker and is the best person to be around when ur mad, sad, or happy! She’s so joyful and is one of the kindest people in the world!

Jane is soooo sweet!
Jane is soooo nice!

by Bolony!!:) December 9, 2018

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Jane is a sweetheart she is one of the kindest and sweetest people you'll meet. People take jane for granted. She is the best friend everyone deserves. Jane needs a long term relationship and a man who will listen and care for her as much as she will them. Jane sometimes has bad anxiety and will think the worst. That's why you should always give reassurance to her even at some of the smallest things.

Girl 1: hey... I'm worried he doesnt like me I haven't talked to him all day!

Girl 2: ugh dont worry your such a Jane

by Somerealshit123 September 10, 2019

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Jane is an exercise addict, who also enjoys to eat healthy. She has a very quiet side, but can get triggered easily by nasty ass lies. She opts out of big crowds and sticks to her dear friends to avoid fake as people. Jane is kind, hard working and very studious. She is more than a best friend, she is like an older sister that will always have your back and support you for eternity.

Wow, Jane is such an incredible human.

Is Jane an FBI agent?

Is Jane even human?

by Princesspink13 April 20, 2018

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Jane is scared of cockroaches and she has a really smart younger sis


by Gruiener September 16, 2022


A poopy head.

Jane is a poopy head!

by A person named Jane September 20, 2023

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Jane is a name that often discribes a very kind person. Jane is very sweet and kind to her friends but she can often get into arguments and get upset but Jane can somtimes be a baddie. Jane as lots of friends but no matter how many friends she has or how many arguments jane gets into she always has a few friends that she needs in her life to make her feel great. jane is overall a perfect friend and very sweet

Jane is great!

by Jannette Wilson May 13, 2021


A very sweet girl that you should always take care of. And if you don’t she’ll overdose and cause airplanes to crash.

Guy: Dude did you hear that a plane crashed
Guy: I dated a Jane

by Boho July 9, 2022

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