If your name is Easton and you were born on this day you are gay. :)
And you are also a maniac crackhead and like getting high on Coka Cola :)
And you like ripping soda cans in half.
Person: Bro Easton was born on January 9th
Other Person: That means that he is gay, and is a crackhead!
Person: Ha! I knew it!
The day where the most sarcastic, pretty people are born. January 9th is the day where the funniest people are born. It’s the unofficial day that the best people are born
Wow she’s born on january 9th she’s so attractive!!
national make out with your friend nick day, if you have a friend name nick give the b#tch a smooch
bob: hey homie *kiss*
Nick: nice
bob: happy January 9th