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The Jerry Springer Show

A concentration of white/black trash.

The Jerry Springer Show is hilarious to watch.

by amethyst January 7, 2008

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to go Jerry Springer

To go Jerry Springer on someone or to Jerry Springer someone

Quotation used in the MTV reality show "The Jersey Shore" by Mike Sorrentino "The Situation".

The use of Jerry Springer is a reference to the same called talkshow "The Jerry Springer show" which is known for its verbal and physical affronts. To go Jerry Springer has a broad field of use in general meaning facing someone with the aim to provoke a (negative) reaction usually leading into verbal affronts or in severe cases even into physical attack.

I'm about to go Jerry Springer on her ass!

by zeitphantom January 17, 2011

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Jerry Springer Baby

a child born in the early nineties, who was bought up by parent(s) interested in Tabloid Talk Show's.

Jerry Springer Babys' are like me.

by NESTEAnp April 15, 2011

Jerry Springer Poop

Inspired by the Houdini Poop, this is when you are taking a crap and fart, but do not believe anything has come out ... until you get up and look in the toilet and wonder "Who is the father of that poop?".

Guys, I β€˜m concerned, I had a Jerry Springer poop, do you think it’s mine?

by Taiwanese Turd Maestro October 15, 2015

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Jerry Springer limit

(also Springer limit) The intelligence limit for any conversation dominated by interruptions or shouting.

Though a child could have taken my point, I found it impossible to explain my position to the irate, chattering imbeciles due to the Jerry Springer limit.

by YouDirtyApes May 6, 2011

Jerry Springer mindset

Derived from typical topics on the Jerry Springer Show. It is the frame of mind or typical thought pattern that someone has when they believe the normal course of life's interactions should resemble the unrealistic, overly dramatic, and emotionally immature actions that are seen on the Jerry Springer Show.

I'm not sleeping with the neighbor, not planning to run away with my married ex, and no my babies daddy's aren't the husbands of my best friends - so you need to turn off that Jerry Springer mindset of yours!

by normal is nice March 23, 2011

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Jerry Springer World

a world where people live in mayhem includes people with baby daddy drama, in-law incest, cheaters, tramps who will sleep with their mothers boyfriend, men who knock up tramps and then refuse to support the children they have created, people who have 4 children together and have been engaged for 6 months in hope of maybe getting married one day, women who have slept with so many losers in the same week that they cannot even figure out who the looser is that knocked them up, men who have 18 children and no job among others

Good back to your Jerry Springer World and stay out of my life

by voodoomutt October 5, 2011

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