Source Code

June 1 National LGBTQ Day

The day you celebrate with your friends who are LGBTQ And have fun!

Girl: Hey want to go to the park?

Other Girl: Why?


by OoffffTheBanana666 May 31, 2020

13👍 13👎

1 june

the date when sissoko handballed the ball in the box and liverpool got a penalty and the egyptian king took the penalty and lloris could not save it. Origi scored a header in the 87 minute.

allez allez allez (1 june)

by come near mans u get cheffed u October 18, 2019

21👍 27👎

1 June

On the 1st of June every year is when you should kiss your boyfriend, girlfriend, crush, etc. and they need to kiss you back. It doesn’t matter where or when, it’s just an excuse to kiss them. (Screenshot this and send it to them for context if needed)

You:*kisses person*
Person: “what…?”
You: *shows screenshot* “look at the date, 1 June”
Person: “oh, finally I get to kiss you!” *kisses you*

by AnActualPerson May 31, 2022

June 1

"Show me dem tiddies" day
Ask your friend to show your their gigantic voluptuous milk filled tiddies

Boy: it's June 1 so whip out dem tiddies.
Girl: Oh yeah! *whips out dem tiddies*

by ILikeTitsok#9270 June 1, 2022

June 1

"Show me dem tiddies" day
Ask a friend to show them your juicy voluptuous milk filled tiddies

Boy: Hey it's June 1.
Girl: Oh yeah! *whips out dem tiddies*

by ILikeTitsok#9270 June 1, 2022

June 1

National kiss a Noura day

Damn it’s June 1! Time to shower every Noura I know with kisses

by green13608 May 29, 2021

June 1

the day that gd 2.206 released

dude: its June 1 gd 2.206 releases today

by Player3616 June 1, 2024