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JW Mitchell HS

Lame ass school full of preps and gangster bitches if your not one of them than your nothing

Cheerleader: dont you just love JW Mitchell HS

Unknown guy : no this place reeks of preppy ass hores and gangster bitches

by child of darkness792 November 6, 2009

11👍 8👎

JW Mitchell High School

Shitty ass school of hicks that specializes in being ass at everything. Football team is kinda ass and they suck. Fuck mitchell

Me: “JW Mitchell High School fucking sucks”
Mitchell student: “we know

by Awesome guy 8000 August 30, 2022


describes one not doing anything.

James has been lazing around everyday, he's always jw-ing.

by moosucks October 28, 2021


Jw- just wondering,is a short term used by anyone who knows what the heck it it

I was 'jw' if you want to make a new video

by ♥✌I haven't got a soul✌♥ October 24, 2019


Just Wondering

Wtf u ok en jw

by Troyfarthing1 July 30, 2017


shortest verse in the Bible: Jesus Wept. used for anything depressing or just stupid asf

dude #1 *trips on air*
dude #2 *sighs* "JW mate"

by sleepylilshit March 20, 2022


slang for “just wait

i’m coming over tomorrow, jw

by Ktgotswag May 1, 2022