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Hairy Kaleidoscope

The hairy kaleidoscope is a sexual act that involves 2 sets of men docking and making very intense eye contact.

"I walked in on my boyfriend and his 3 "best friends" doing the hairy kaleidoscope"

by Ivy E May 4, 2023


A kaleidoscope is an self-assembly psychedelic image generator.

Matt: "Wow man, I am as high as a kite. Give me your kaleidoscope that would be trippin'."

by pistolenmann September 8, 2021


Jowi is dumb

“Oh would you look at that, someone finally realized that kaleidoscope!”

by I thrown overboard with the t January 3, 2021


The feeling of euphoria when opened to new possibilities.

In creative writing grammar rules are very loose guidelines you can play around with in all kinds of ways, leaving you feeling Kaleidoscoped.

by Jojo_Casual May 29, 2023


A drug combo of Meth and Xanax
or Meth, Xanax, and LSD (level 2)

Any extra drugs will make it more intense, but it's the point of fuckedupness where no matter how far you try to open your eyes they roll on their own anyway and you can't control it until the drugs wear off.

I was kaleidoscoping so hard yesterday, saying I don't remember anything would be an understatement.

by iliketophilosoph January 7, 2016

kaleidoscope creative

Someone who sees the world through a colorful, multifaceted lens. They are passionate, free-spirited, adaptive individuals who are in a constant state of evolution, innovation, and growth. Through advertising, their entrepreneurial spirit, psychological insight, cultural curiosity, and visionary design blend together to bring ideas to life. Their mind is always twisting and turning to create bright new ideas.

Wow, Andrea is such a kaleidoscope creative. We must hire her at once.

by itnasaroca August 3, 2016