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Kansas may be described as flat and a hell hole. But contrary to those beliefs, it's not that bad. Yes, it's flat on ONE HALF of the state, the half has tons of hills, ever heard of the Flint Hills? Yes, there's not as many things to do here as there are in L.A. or New York, but we do have places to go and people to see. And we're not all rednecks, we all do have a little bit of country in us though.

And we have pretty good college sports. Ya'll have probably heard of those Gayhawks hailing from Lawrence, but ya'll probably heard of K-State Wildcats too. Both schools have been nationally ranked and played in the NCAA tournament.

Person 1) Hey, did you see that game last night?

Person 2) Which one?
1) Um, Kansas and K-State, I think?
2) Didn't K-State beat KU?
1) Hell yeah they did! And KU was even #1 in the country!

2) What an upset! That's the kind of basketball I live for!

by Wildcat Girl March 6, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


The hell-hole of the United States of America. Their land is flat and boring. Trust me, drive five miles into it and you'll contemplate suicide. The campus of Kansas University is covered in a pot-smoke haze and the sidewalks are filled with dirty needles and empty pill bottles. Also, KU athletics are considered "outstanding". No one knows how KU athletes are so good, but many suspect steroid use. Another fun fact about KU is that their fight song says "Rock, Chalk. Jayhawk". What kind of shit is that, I mean really? Kansas State University is KU's younger, fatter cousin. KSU always takes last place in everything, due to their illiteracy. Most Kansans blame all their troubles on either:
1. Missouri
2. Missouri
3. Missouri

Psychologists believe Kansans suffers from schizophrenia, because they percieve themselves to be better then everyone else, especially Missourians.

Missourian #1: "Wow, look at that kid from Kansas standing over there."
Missourian #2: "Why is he talking to that wall? What a little freak."
Kid from Kansas: "ROCK, CHALK.......I HATE MISSOURI......BOB SAGET......I HAVE A SMALL DICK........MARIJUANA!!!!!"

by T-ro.B-ry June 11, 2010

35๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


The New Jersey to Missouri's New York.

I live in Kansas. What else can I say?

by Fred the Wolf August 13, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž


- a midwestern state
- very flat
- has lots of Jayhawks
- really boring
- not many people live there
- lots of rednecks and trashy homes
- most famous things include <i>The Little House on The Prarie, The Wizard of Oz, Kansas University, world's largest ball of twine, Bob Dole</i>

Kansas is a waste of perfectly good space.

by AJ November 28, 2004

73๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The land of BIGOTRY

2. Home of 1 good thing, "the needle in the haystack" aka Kara Wilder

3. Home of the Wildcats

4. A place u visit only when you're driving somewhere important when you suddently blow a tire or run out of gas.

1) Kansans elected George W. Bush (need I say more?)

2) Random person: So where are u from?
Kara: Kansas
Ransom person: WHAT?!! They make women like u in kansas?


4) The most entertaining tourist attraction is... ... the Santa Fe trail where u might find an arrowhead or a hand made bowl... ... wow

by sugabrwn April 5, 2006

54๐Ÿ‘ 166๐Ÿ‘Ž


The root of all that is and was wrong in any given situation at any given time.


by R. N. Willson May 5, 2015

4๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kansas is in the middle of the United States of America. People that come from Kansas are NOT hicks. Kansas isnt all flat because we have hills duh...I'm rly sick of all the ppl tat think we Kansans are stupid. Not everybody lives on farms, and we have big cities. We're not all republicans, and tornados rarely hit, cept for Greensberg but hey life sux get over it...Atleast we dont have hurricans....And not all Kansans go to church on Sun. and shit....Im a emo and Atheist or howeva u spell it..

Kansas is NOT accually all flat, thats y its called the plains.

by *EmoChick* February 15, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž