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A name that is better than Kayden

Karter Vandiver is better than Kayden Gooding

by 123457890-qweyuipek;sxcvuytred April 18, 2023


Has a twin brother that looks like Sid. Karter is a person that loves fish sticks. Plays Fortnite and has a bad family life, in which he probably will end up like them. You should have a friend like Karter.

Girl: Have you ever heard of Karter?
Boy: No who is that..
Girl: Oh, nobody has.

by gyattalot October 17, 2023


A smart girl who is tall and at least 5 inches taller than all of her friends.She’s kind,funny,and very very attractive😼


Karter is a very tall person

by Yourhotmom01 November 23, 2021


Karter is a great person, primarily 5ft 5 and wide bodied. good friend but extremally homosexual. No real skill and can't be trusted around alcohol.

"Dude, Karter is kinda sus it's weird."

by lethalforce343 April 28, 2022


Karter is a person who is quite and to himself. He’s the type of person to put other people before him . He’s a person who cares abt his looks and what other people think . He spends most of his time scrolling through other peoples post thinking am I good enough? Why did she choose me when there’s nicca’s like him. Overall Karter is a overthinker. A good kid who’s amazing at the sports he does . He over exceeds in sports such as track n basketball. He surely knows how to be proper he makes a amazing boyfriend . A overall gentleman.

Girl: Dang look at karter

by K2🥷🏿 . June 10, 2023