The lowest of the low. Absolute scumbags who have no life and should probably kill themselves. If your a “Skater” who can’t kickflip you probably hate yourself and it’s fully justified
Look it’s a “skater” who cant kickflip I bet his parents are dissapointed in him
Cody, I don't know if you know this, but Jesse invented the manny kickflip- Actually I did know that it's in the dictionary
verb- to become a major bitch when obtaining a position of power
She totally kickflipped this year when she became drum major, it went all to her head.
Instead of calling a female trick you can use this instead.
her: omg why do you hate me, I didn't mean to talk to other guys
him: shut up kickflip
...and on the 7th day, God said "Kickflip"
woah dude wacky kickflips bro!!
TaYHiLLL Dead: why do u type kickflip everytime?
TaYHiLLL Dead: is it supposed to be fuuny?
"When clams do kickflips" is a very similar phrase to when pigs fly, but it is a modernized term.
Brody might say "Hey Charles, do a backflip off that roof!" And Charles may respond "When clams do kickflips, bro."