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A ridiculously short asian girl. She's a back stabbing bitch who will do anything to make the people around her jealous. She floats in between friends, but calls everyone her BFF. If she thinks you like a guy, she'll do anything to get in between you and him. Guys are blind towards her two faced behavior.

Kiry: Hey Girl, you like Guy right?
Girl: Ummm, yeah...?
Kiry: Ok, cool. He's my best friend. We hang out all the time. We text like 24/7. We Skyped at like 2 in the morning last night. I love him, hehehehehehe!!!
Girl: Grrrrr...
Guy: ???

by ThxALot August 26, 2013

6πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Kale Kiri

Persian slang that means "Dick head" .

Used between boys (mostly) to show love between each other .

-Chetori Kale Kiri ?

* Chetori = how u doing ? *

by Hippogryph Rider April 7, 2019

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The traditional Japanese form of honorable suicide, also known by its Chinese equivalent, seppuku. It was practiced by the Japanese feudal warrior class in order to avoid falling into enemy hands. Around 1500, it became a privileged alternative to execution, granted to daimyo and samurai guilty of disloyalty to the emperor. The condemned man received a jeweled dagger from the emperor. He selected as his second a faithful friend, received official witnesses, and plunged the dagger into the left side of his abdomen, drew it across to the right, and made a slight cut upward; his second then beheaded him with one stroke of a sword, and the dagger was returned to the emperor. Around 1700, it became permissible to go through a semblance of disembowelment prior to beheading. Voluntary hara-kiri was resorted to after a private misfortune, out of loyalty to a dead master, or to protest the conduct of a living superior. 1
Obligatory hara-kiri was abolished in 1868, but its voluntary form has persisted. It was performed by 40 military men in 1895 as a protest against the return of conquered territory, the Liaotung peninsula, to China; by General Nogi on the death of Emperor Meiji in 1912; and by numerous soldiers as an alternative to surrender in World War II.

Blah. Bite me. And the hara-kiri.

by TaintedCell April 16, 2004

208πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Kiri Adams

A 40 year old paedophile from the MTG-Forums, classically known for sucking rickles dick to get recognised

Did you hear about Kiri Adams?
Yeah shes that 40 year old paedo

by Olumenate July 3, 2015

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

kalle kiri

It's a Persian curse, actually. Close friends also using it to call each other. However be careful, not to use this to call someone you don't know. It's gonna be a big insult then.

chetori? kalle kiri

by h0ut September 22, 2017

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Much like the sacred Japanese suicide ritual Hara-Kiri, When one has brought great dishonour to their name, the only way to make right by their family is to ingest the sacred Marlboro durrie.

Did you hear about Jacob? He hasn’t shat in three weeks, must’ve been the Durra-Kiri.

by Durriestastegood October 22, 2019

Kiri Lou

a beautiful girl with wonderful eyes can get angry but so does everyone

Boy1: OMG!! Look at her shes beautiful!

Boy2: thats Kiri Lou ... she will draw you in with her mystical eyes.

by little.kitty July 4, 2009