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ku klux klan

A gang of inbred, cross dressing, white supremacists weak in mind and body. They are easily recognized by the pointed (to conform to their pinheads) pillowcases that they use as headgear and the white dresses that they wear.
No one has determined exactly why they hide their faces behind hoods. It is likely that this disguises their horrid (due to inbreeding) appearance or because they are so weak and scared that they don't want to be identified by anyone over the age of four that might kick their ass.

Why look, it must be the halloween meeting of the Southern Cross Dressers Society. Sorry, I was wrong, it's just a klan rally. What has 5 teeth and an IQ of 73? The first 3 rows at a klan meeting.

by whiteybobo June 23, 2005

1401๐Ÿ‘ 869๐Ÿ‘Ž

ku klux klan

a group of trailor trash who go around dressed up in their sheets committing hate crimes in their free time while theyre not beating the shit out of their wife or fucking their cousin.

when theyre not burning giant t's or running around pretending to be ghosts, the ku klux klan enjoys playing whats under the robe.

by ku klux klan takes it in the nose July 30, 2004

1364๐Ÿ‘ 861๐Ÿ‘Ž

ku klux klan

Roman faggots dressed up as ghosts.

the sick fuckers are all over our government in both parties

by they're rich pigs/satanists May 3, 2004

1274๐Ÿ‘ 863๐Ÿ‘Ž

ku klux klan

a person i would take great enjoyment in killing, it is people like this that make this world suck.

klansman: were gunna hang them...naggers...yeehaw

me:(click click) bye bye bigot (boom)

by educator of the haters April 6, 2005

1162๐Ÿ‘ 791๐Ÿ‘Ž

ku klux klan

Fukin Arseholes that jump around in there cumstained bedsheets who think there wizards and fuck horses.
they also gather round burning crosses and suck each others dicks(the kk bitches have dicks to).
Get a grip of yer self if yer a kk and kill yer self
yees dont deserve tay live yees r fukin up our world.

ku klux klan:no example need for these sad, worthless peeps
o wait i got one fukin bum jackers

by chrissy boi October 2, 2006

951๐Ÿ‘ 648๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ku Klux Keisha

A term originating on Clubhouse, it refers to an extremist sect of the black feminism movement who harbor anti- heterosexual Black male sentiments. Born out of the divestment movement, they espouse white supremacist rhetoric by describing Black men as "bullet bags", "dusties", or that "straight Black men are the White men of the Black Community". They promote aborting Black male fetuses and marrying outside their race to prevent the birth of Black males.

I tried to respond but the Ku Klux Keishas kept muting me and saying they won't date "bullet bags"

by Wuhrdsmyth November 17, 2022

34๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ku Klux Krip

A KKK member, but a Crip at the same time. Doesn't make much sense does it?

Ku Klux Krips hate themselves

by JTheG April 18, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž