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Here are descriptions of common labels given to people in society (note that not all of them are 100% correct):

Goth/Emo: Wears lots of black (such as clothes from Hot Topic), has pale skin, wears lots of makeup (even if it's a guy), dyes their hair dark colors, listens to rock and metal music which talk about sad stuff, cut themselves, and cry alot.

Thug/Gangsta: Wears clothes twice their size, pulls down their pants to show their boxers, wear lots of chains around their neck, talk in ebonics, listen to rap and hip-hop, loves smoking and doing other drugs, constantly engages in criminal behavior such as vandalism or robbery, and (usually) are black, or PRETEND to be black.

Prep: Loves shopping at stores such as Abercrombie and Fitch, wears lots of pink, frequently wears short revealing clothes such as miniskirts or mini tanktops, listens to pop music, speaks with exaggerations on many words such as "like, oh my GOD, that is SOOOOO kewl!", is self-centered and conceited, and usually have blonde hair (which might be dyed as well).

Punk/Skater: Wears clothing such as ripped faded jeans, plaid shorts, studded belts, band shirts, etc., has a mohawk (in which the spikes may have dyed colors), doesn't give a shit about what everyone thinks of them, wants to rebel against society, loves to skate, smokes or does other drugs, and of course, listens to punk rock.

Jock: Wears lots of sports-related clothes such as basketball jerseys, has sneakers such as Nike's or Adidas, works out a lot, like the prep is self-centered and conceited, puts on lots of deodorant, (obviously) loves to play sports, and when not playing, watches them on TV (ESPN, for example), and lastly, can't pass an academic grade at school if his life (or rather, his professional career) depended on it.

Labels are not 100% accurate - they're more of a stereotypical view of today's people, and many find this disrespectful. However, it is also true that labels can help classify a certain type of person that another might be looking for. Just don't expect for the person to be exactly like the label is described.

by SomeBadJoke August 9, 2006

66πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


1.Print found glued on cans or bottles.

2.Title to one who acts like a cetain group, or dresses the same as a band or artist in which they favor. Such labels are as follows: Goth, Emo, Guido, Skater, Jock etc. Some would say waste of time to label others, becuase of the way they dress, or behave. Some also disagree to that and say "Labels are like a genre, meaning by having labels means the basic's of your behavior and/or sound.". Labels do not define. who you are but give people a certain idea of what you like, and would dress like.

Labels is the way of life?
1. "tell me what that label says on that bottle"

2a. "Labeling Goth: Look at these goth girls!, wtf are they doing wearing converse with, a red plade skirt"
2b. "Labeling Emos: I hate emo's all they do is sit at home listen to music to make them more sad then what they alrdy are, because they have it so bad!"
2c. "Labeling Jocks: Jocks can suck my dick and go play grab ass, cuz all they care bout are themselves and there sport."
2d. "Labeling Skaters:....enough said"

by DisturbedrockerO April 5, 2006

40πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Dictionary definition: a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc.
Urban definition: Almost the same as the diciontary definition, but specified more toward a person or group's style or behavior. Examples would be: prep, goth, emo, punk, skater, scene, nerd, jock, etc. A common phrase relating to labels is "Labels are for soup cans," which pretty much means "Don't label people."

But according to the dictionary, you're supposed to label people. And that doesn't just mean "prep" or "emo." What most people don't realize is that everything from gender to religion falls under the category of "labels." So lesson one is, don't think all labels "are for soup cans."

Also, even the labels that are like "prep" or "emo," are they really that bad? I'd agree that they're bad if somebody were to say "I hate all preps," because obviously, not all preps are the same. But if somebody were to just say "I'm a prep," it's not doing any harm. Someone who willingly calls themself by a label must not think badly of labels. Even if somebody calls you a label that you aren't, it doesn't really matter what they think, as long as they don't judge you on it. So, lesson two is, it doesn't really matter what label you are, it just matters how you consider yourself.

-I've noticed you wear a lot of eyeliner and seem to be very interested in alternative bands. Are you emo?
-Um, ok.

by Katinthehat April 27, 2007

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A word most teenagers don't know what it means. The real definition is "a descriptive term; an epithet."

An epithet, for those of you who don't know, is "A term used to characterize a person or thing, such as rosy-fingered in rosy-fingered dawn or the Great in Catherine the Great.
A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln.
An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase."

Now look closely at the sentence, "An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase." Isn't that what labels really are?

Labels characterize people. Most people today think labels are basically cliques of people, but it's not. You can hang out with whoever you want, and still be considered a certain label. I dunno about you, but if you would just be yourself, a descriptive term would come up; (otherwise known as a label) INDIVIDUAL! You can't get away from labels. They're a part of life. Deal with it.


Deal with it if someone calls you a prep or a nerd. Take it as a compliment and still be yourself. If you want to talk about this, IM me on AIM at ccglasses19.

by C.C. June 24, 2005

107πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


an ass. an ass who thinks that they are unique although they are doin the same thing as every1 else. sum1 who judges ppl before getting to know them. sum1 who labels ppl as either punk,prep,goth,gangsta,emo and etc. HUMANS WERE NOT TO BE LABELED U FAG!!!!! a label belongs on a soup can. youre not god so stop judgin ppl before u kno them u whore!

labeler: oh look a cheerleader, must be a prep!
im so unique cuz im not like them although im doin the same thing as every1 else who thinks they are unique! im a god damn hypocrite mommy!god im a kewl stereotyped poser.

by jennylovesean April 11, 2006

24πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A label is the cotton thing inside an item of clothing they are usually 100% cotton however you may have some polyester ones. They make a good sound when you rub them together, so you should do that.

β€œHey, have you got a label I want to listen to one?”

by Garry Masala March 2, 2021

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a way ignorant people group together a bunch of people before you know them. aka predjudice. why judge someone by what music they happen to be listening to when you walk by or what they are wearing? this is a way to give truly unique people a reputation before you even know their name.

Ignorant idiot: Look! That kid's wearing black! They must obvilously be goth!
Me: wtf?! y r u using a label on that poor innocent kid?

by Cm. November 10, 2006

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