When some takes a shite on your chest while you suck the puss out of the boils on their ass cheeks
This girl gave me such a dirty laken last night
4👍 3👎
When she squirts and you catch it with your mouth and spit it back into hers.
Last night, I gave her a Dirty Laken.
1👍 1👎
Laken Johnston is the perfect girl. shes nice sexy and smart. she was once my girlfriend but i fucked up. and i still love her with all my heart
Damn that girl must be Laken Johnston she is sexy
A laken is usually very egotistical, he is defined as a rat, and he doesn’t know how to communicate in general, and he thinks he knows everything. He’s very annoying
Person: ugh there’s a Laken
Person2: I know ewwww let’s go
A mean preschool teacher who will not let you do anything and will send you to the office to get you in trouble for stealing an animal cracker from you friend at lunch time
Dang that girl is such a laken
My ex is such a laken
My teacher is such a laken
Laken is smart, funny, loving, and kind. He loves the outdoors and would be completely fine with being a hobo. He loves to climb, canoe, kayak, and do anything involving nature. He is very hard working and never gives up when things seem too hard. His eyes are as blue as the sky and every time you look into them you will fall deeper and deeper in love. His laugh will make your day happy. Make sure to run far far away when he does his retard impersonation because it will horrify you. He is an amazing cook and he can not make a fire, but he will tell you he can. don't let him fool you. He absolutely adores honeybees and aspires to make honey one day. He is a charming young man and will love you with every once of love that is in his heart. He has so may friends and knows how to make people laugh. He is a wonderful musician and can play the guitar like a boss. He has a really nice ass body and he loves to keep himself fit. Laken is an all around amazing, incredible, loving person.
OMG that's too funny! haha yeah Laken must have said it.
WOW look at that dudes body! Like DAMN! yeah that's Laken
He is such a wonderful dude and his girlfriend must feel so lucky what's his name? It's Laken