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The combination of the word Legit, and literally. Can be used in place of both words, or when the need for both words are needed.

This is legiterally the best cake i have ever had.

by Smokeshow91 January 14, 2017

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When something is just so fabulously awesome that you don't even believe it so you cannot just use "legit" or "literal." It adds emphasis and provides a WOW factor.

"Wow dude! Are you being legiteral?"

by sal&sha123456789 May 13, 2015

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A combination of the slang word "legit" (short for "legitimate") and "literally."

This word combines two unbearably annoying things that most teenage girls and frequent text messagers say and makes it fun and enjoyable for the entire family!

"I legit just saw Pete Wentz at Dunkin Doughnuts!"

"OMG! Legiterally?"


"I legiterally hate my chemistry class."

"Please remove yourself from my general area."

by Master of Unicorns August 26, 2009

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trying to prove ones case by cross referencing the words legit and literally

Ray: How'd you do on that english essay?
Lisa: I failed with flying colours, legiterally.

by romediggity February 10, 2009

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A mix between the two words "legit" and "literally."

Alex: So are you really going skydiving?
Cole: yeah, legiterally!

by TheWalrus37 April 27, 2010

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A combination of the words "legit" (slang), and "literally" form the basis of the word. The word would be used when someone is questioning the accuracy/ preciseness of a statement. (is the statement for real/ not fake, and is it truthful word for word?)

"my dad just went and spent $20,000 on a new rolex"

by spattie August 22, 2009

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Combination of legitimate and literally, for use when both are needed, or to accentuate importance

Tim: My girlfriend's gonna have a baby.
Bill: No way!
Tim: Dude, she's legiterally pregnant!

by Chowdah June 21, 2010

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