Levi leves is often used when losing an argument. Saying Levi leves will instantly make the others opinion wrong and you will ride off on a beatiful orange horse.
Person 1 - Hey dude, I think that League of Legends is a shit game and Fortnite is the best!
Person 2 - Levi leves
Person 1 - Nothing, League of Legends is way better.
Person 2 - *Rides his horse onto the beatiful sunset*
I was texting my friend and said “get on my leve” then, a new word was born. Leve- the fact that you are better than someone or something. You may say as a jokingly offensive term.
Levee is the proper term for a grouping of lesbians. As in a "herd of cattle" or a "gaggle of geese".
A synonym for levee is dike/dyke, hence the connection.
We thought we were gonna roll over that other team in our beer league softball game, but they were fully stacked with a levee of lesbians who played D1 college ball.
when you get really drunk and start talking shit
pronounced Levi-ing
Nick: oi man you are so drunk
Trent: i've shot three people and am onloan from the cia to our government
Nick: really?
Josh: nah he is just leving
The act of someone getting a hitman on you typically called jakob