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Lia a girl no words can describe, she is amazing in every way possible. Nobody could ever replace her, from her amazing smile and personality to her hourglass figure, she is the light of my life and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I adore her as do all the other people in her life, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind to others even if it could cost her a friend, but is also the sweetest and nicest person you’ll ever meet.

Person 1:

Who is that girl she’s amazing?

That’s Lia she’s cool.

by TookYourManz December 31, 2021


Lia is a very interesting person, she is a little shy and insecure and needs a little bit of reassuring from her friends. Lias are shy at first but funny and very kind once you get to know them, their laugh is contagious and cares a lot about her friends. Lias are charming and gorgeous, they will help you through the thick and will always be there when you need them. Although a wee bit timid Lias are selfless and outgoing and it is hard to convince them to help themselves instead. Lias are very intelligent and clever, they get good grades and are loads of fun to be around and bond with others with ease.

Lia: Hey wats up you look down today?

by Dainjer June 10, 2021


A Lia is a sexy chic. She's really sweet and she's always there for you anytime you need her. She is often really short, but don't let that fool you. You'll normally find her playing softball or working out. She loves going to the beach and she really enjoys her time with her boyfriend. No fancy dinners, just a simple movie and ice cream will make her day. She has amazing long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Any guy would be lucky to have her. The guys that notice her think that she's their absolute world. She's a little shy but she's never afraid to share her opinion. And whatever you do don't get on her bad side, she makes one heck of a fighter.😉😂

Guy1: Did you see that girl yesterday?
Guy2: Did she have long blonde hair and ice blue eyes?
Guy1: YAH that's her. I...
Guy2: That's Lia and she's mine. I call DIBS!
Guy1: That's not fair!!

by #legitness is key😉😋😜 February 7, 2019

5👍 2👎


Lia is an amazing person who is so sweet. She got the big booty, any guy wants. Guys stay staring at her because of how stunning she is. She is so beautiful and talented. She has the most prettiest hair, the prettiest eyes, flawless skin, and such an amazing personality. She is honest, loyal, and extremely trustworthy. She is really sweet, but you do not want to get on her bad side. She will always help a friend in need when they are having a bad day. She's got your back anytime. She will make you laugh and smile all the time. SO if you are lucky enough to meet a Lia, then your life is at its best.

You can always count on a Lia because you know that she will always be their for you.

by Lia 2 March 9, 2019

5👍 1👎


A gorgeous, beautiful, Amazon, stunning and sporty person a wonderful and respectful girl who doesn’t ever take people for advantage, she will always take care of you so if you are a close or far friend. Generally nice (not a slut)

Lia is so lovely.

by Liaaaabearrrr July 10, 2018

6👍 2👎


A Spanish name which is usually an abriviation for names like Amelia(Hardworking) or Rosalia(Rose). When used by itself it usually means a gorgeous girl with sparkling eyes or in some myths a girl who makes a persons heart "skip a beat" upon seeing.

Other sources have linked "lia" with...







Wow, that beautiful girl that keeps looking my way has amazing eyes. She must be a Lia

by 7-22-11CS&LM December 26, 2011

198👍 227👎


Lia is one of the most pretty-ist girls u would ever meet she may seem weird but she is funny, smart, beautiful and freaky

Lia:Awwww(almost says that everytime time)

by Jacob241 July 6, 2018

8👍 3👎