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Hurts Like A Bitch

When you might fall or bail into something and it proper wrecks.
Not all people use this to describe their pain, it was early defined by heffa ;
'Hurts Like A Bitch' Is more a phrase than a word.

Example one of Hurts Like A Bitch;:

*ben kicks heathers head

*heather says
*that hurt like a BITCHHH!

*ben says

*yeah BOY!

by Heffaa June 2, 2009

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Hanging like a Bitch

One hell of a hangover

โ€œOh. My. God. I am hanging like a bitch after drinking all of that Asti Spumante last nightโ€

by Redbaron January 27, 2020

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adj.-like a bitch..but not exactly. Having the characteristics and qualities of what the common person would refer to as a bitch.

"I like your cat, but she is kind of bitch-like."
"My girlfriend is acting bitch-like today."

by nick everywhere April 27, 2008

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Take it like a bitch

When a gay bottom can take big dick so effortlessly that he is taking it like a women does or like a bitch does.

You see that dude over there; me and the crew fucked the shit out of him last night. He sure can take it like a bitch!

by Chicken liver toast crunch December 30, 2017

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take it like a bitch

usually used when some one has been smokeing weed for a long time and goes to toke up with a couple of friends and starts coufing really bad. thusly, he;s taken it like a bitch

*inhale deep*
*couf couf couff*
ahahahahha u take it like a bitch!

by Cj, the smot poker August 13, 2006

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sharking like a bitch

When you refuse to settle for nothing less than a hot chick when it comes to meeting new people.

You know why Jorge doesn't have any friends that are girls? Cause he's sharking like a bitch and holding out for only smokin chicas.

by GERONIMOX August 26, 2008

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go out like a bitch

the act of embarrassing yourself in front of others by failing to respond to a challenge, or by issuing a challenge to someone else and then backing down when they accept.

1. Manny came home late and his ho Latrina cussed him out in front of everyone. He didn't say nothin and then she made him take out the trash too. He went out like a bitch. This is the past tense form of go out like a bitch.

2. This punk ass at work kept talkin' smack to me and challeneged me to step outside in front of everyone. I went outside and he never did. They all knew he was scared; he went out like a bitch.

by ArabGoBoom July 18, 2012

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