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like like

1. Noun, a 1990's-2000's teenager who uses the word "like" excessively, often during pauses and in place of words like "um," "uh," and just plain silence.
2. An enemy in the Legend of Zelda series that eats shields and is in general very annoying; similar to definition 1.

Your girlfriend is such a like like, she's said "like" fifteen times in one sentence!

by Andre January 8, 2004

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Like like

It’s means someone has a crush or is liking you very much.

Jenna I like like you.

by urmomscat April 26, 2022

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Like You Like You

Refers to a deeper, more intimate feeling of 'like' inferred by repeating the word. Can also be used with other actions or feelings. Emphasis usually on the first 'like'.

Chick - Why aren't we going out tonight? I thought you liked me?
You - Yeah, but I dont LIKE you like you.

Friend - Did you kiss her?
You - Absolutely but I didn't KISS her kiss her.

by BlueTexan August 2, 2009

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like father like son

Song by The Game featuring Busta Rhymes, the title itself explains the song, how the same story is passed from father to son, hystory repeats itself, dont forget that kids.

Father: Awww i cant belive Bush got elected!!!
10 yrs after

Son: Awww i cant belive Bush got elected, damn.

by Enrique April 21, 2005

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like blood like honey

Holly Brook's album

Person 1: Have you bought Holly Brook's album Like blood like honey?
Person 2: Yeah

by Muzik Addict August 21, 2006

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like a fat kid likes cake

The amount of something, usually meaning a lot.

I love you like a fat kid likes cake!! <3

by NotTheFatKid December 6, 2010

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I like you like a friend

This is a type of being friendzoned.
Happens when asking a girl out or say you like her.

Boy: Do you want to go on a date with me?
Girl: I like you like a friend
Boy: friendzoned
Girl: We can still be friends?

by Yeet master in the army November 12, 2017

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