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If you meet a Lindsey, keep her in your life! She will more than likely be kind, selfless, and very talented in music. Also very good at dancing, mainly doing a backbend. Look at Lindsey Stirling or Lyn-Z Way for examples. (Not to be confused with a Lindsay, mainly Lindsay Lohan.)

"Woah, Lindsey is so talented!"
"Which one, man?"
"All of them!

by araemoberly November 30, 2018


A Lindsey is someone who is too good for this world. She’s not only super hot, she has the best qualities anyone can ask for. She is kind (a little too much sometimes), selfless, funny asf, talented, and tall. Also super duper, illegally cute. She doesn’t see the amazing qualities about herself a lot of the times, but it’s okay because a raisa will always be there to remind her of how true they are. She doesn’t see it, but everyone else does. She also has a great taste in music. There’s too much to say about this girl, because this is just a fraction of who she is. Overall, an amazing friend, person, sister, and girlfriend. Periodt.

Lindsey is the best girlfriend in the universe.

by ddeongwha January 30, 2020


A Lindsey person to easily fall in love with, she easy to talk to, fun to be with, and just overall a great person. They are little undersize for how long there names are. But sometimes she can be a bitch sometimes. She ain't part of that drama stuff or that depressing stuff. They are also struggling with own stuff so always be good to a Lindsey you won't regret it.

Oh Lindsey is a such a sweet heart I will love her forever

by Blazing Asian 215 July 21, 2018

2👍 1👎


Lindsey is a girl you has a huge heart. She always knows how to make some one feel better. Lindsey is a beautiful person on the inside and out. She always tries to stay away from the drama and rumors. Lindsey just wants every one to be happy. Lindsey usually has beautiful blue eyes and brown hair

Lindsey is an incredible person that anyone should be lucky enough to meet. She is great to be around. Lindsey sheds a beautiful smile that makes you want to smile back!

That Lindsey gives me a smile on my face

by Livelikeyoumeanit November 19, 2017

6👍 1👎


The most beautiful girl in the whole world! The kind of girl that makes any guy turn their head when she walks in the room. She is smart, funny, sweet, caring, and an overall great person, but most importantly she is awesome! the most awesome person you will ever meet! She is basically superhuman because of how great she is! Also she is just the perfect girl! everything she does is so amazing! She has great taste in music! She laughs at everything! And she is just the best person to be around!

Lindsey is just so perfect in every way! She is the coolest, cutest, and sweetest person in the whole world

by Big Canoe June 15, 2020

8👍 1👎


A super sexy girl who anyone is lucky to be with. Super kind and always nice. Every guy wants her and anyone with her is lucky. She is super sexy

Wow, that girl is sooo Lindsey.
She's being such a Lindsey.

by tibby April 8, 2012

89👍 77👎


My gf who is the most amazing girl in the world. She makes me smile everyday while talking to me. Whenever she hangs up I call right back. If shes still in school she texts me. She is my most favorite person in the world and nobody can replace her!


by greendayrb January 31, 2012

33👍 24👎