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four lokoed

being affected, positively or negatively, after consuming a four loko

Last night, I was hella four lokoed!

by wow, choosing a name sucks! October 24, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Four Loko

Legalized cocaine in a can. If you consume Four Lokos you can expect to encounter the same results typically associated with snorting a small mountain of cocaine.

"My dealer isn't picking up" "Okay whatever we'll just get some Four Lokos instead"

by rodolfo zolezzi March 29, 2010

2715๐Ÿ‘ 1048๐Ÿ‘Ž

twelve loko

The act of drinking three four lokos (the good ones with caffeine in them RIP). Can also be used as any multiple of four (eight loko, sixteen loko, etc.).

Oh man dude! Last night I had a twelve loko...I was so fucked up my friend Matt had to use a heart defibrillator to bring me back to consciousness so that I could finish my studies.

by NumberOneOswegoStudent March 3, 2011


Loko love is a mixture of 4 loko's this potion was created by set a part from the 302.. this smooth elixir is rap juice!!


by SET A PART 302 September 23, 2011

ocho loko

Drinking two 4 lokos.

"Bro, did you see Stephan out last night?" -
"Totally Bro, he was totally going for the ocho loko!"
"He was most definitely going Ocho 4 them Lokos"
High Five

by umicit.com August 15, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

4 loko

4 loko is a potent beverage, better than drinking a joose. It has 11% alcohol and gets you pretty wasted really fast.

Why are you drinking joose? 4 lokos own that pussy drink bitch.

by babyy e March 9, 2009

317๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Flying Loko

This is the nickname of the lord, the legend and the myth, Rom Druyan.
This name, means; "I am your father, watch out or you will get knocked out really fast", so if you will ever see him, RUN!
He is the most attractive and beautiful man ever.

Wtch out, TFL is coming!
Im afraid, The Flying Loko hates me!
I want to kiss him really hard...

by R.D professor November 5, 2018