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Lyn-z way is an adopted French Indian Queen , the bassist for Mindless Self Indulgence who is also an artist that makes totally original art

I love Indian queen Lyn-z and her totally real bass skills and her definitely original art!

by Dingdongthewickedcuntisdead January 19, 2021

31๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


An abbreviation of the named element 'Emmalynium', so rare is this substance there is only one specimen known to exist. It is gorgeous to behold and radiates beauty in any light. Emma-Lyn epitomises all that is Emmalynium, beautiful in every way.

โ€œ... i was walking down the street the other day and this girl walked by me. I was stunned by her beauty! After I recovered I realised I needed to know her name. I ran after her as fast as I could and managed in my awe to ask her name. All she said was "Emma-Lyn".โ€

by marny007 February 6, 2010

84๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl whoโ€™ll brighten your day. Smart, beautiful, and successful. Youโ€™ll easily fall in love with a Jai-lyn. Some Jai-lynโ€™s have a short temper so donโ€™t get on her bad side. Doesnโ€™t have to work on her cake it comes natural. Overall a wonderful person who youโ€™ll never lose in touch with for years to come and if you do, youโ€™re taking an L.

Person 1โ€œDo you work on your cake at the gymโ€??
Person 2โ€No Iโ€™m all natural like a Jai-lynโ€.๐Ÿค—

by PandafromATL May 27, 2018

33๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a brilliant sparkling little muse creature with fashion forward flair and secret silver fairy-like wings who flits about granting wishes and bedazzling the world with sprinklings of wisdom, grace, praise, sunshine, and beauty. likes tea, poetry, dancing, glitter and moonlight. easily persuaded and persuasive towards creating spontaneous adventure. often accompanied by pugs and other small enthusiastic bundles of animal cuteness.

"She's faster than a flashing lightning bolt, brighter than a full moon at midnight, more bedazzling than a sudden carnival in the desert - she's got the Lori-Lyn within."

by miss kitty twister February 3, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


To define the word 'Jacq-lyn' could take many years.

She is very amazing

Jacq-lyn can make you laugh when ever you are feeling
sad or if you just feel like laughing

If you know her
you love her with all your heart. No matter what

She is very silly and also very funny.

Jacq-lyn is the friggen sex

She is 900%

Jacq-lyn can fucking make you gasm in less than 2 seconds. By looking at you.

She doesn't have to work for money. She just gets it.

Jacq-lyn is smarter than you. and she's pretty dumb. But still smarter than you.

When jacq-lyn wakes up in the morning the sun rises. On Both sides of the world.

You wish you were Jacq-lyn.

Jacq-lyn can get an elephant to fall in love with a mouse. She can also make the elephant just fall. On it's face.

You're ugly, Jacq-lyn is not.

Jacq-lyn is uber boss at rolling mighty big spliffs

Jacq-lyn pwns. Massavely.

Jacq-lyn has X-ray vision, and when she went on stage her mom told her to pretend everyone was in their underwear. Then they were.

Jacq-lyn is perdy and shorter than most other people

She likes to throw food

When monkey's throw bananas at jacq-lyn she throws bolders at them. Yes, bolders.

Jacq-lyn is one of a kind, meaning since she is awesome, you can't be. therefor you suck. good day.

If you looked at jacq-lyn wrong, your face would dissolve - twice.

by blamboeh August 15, 2008

58๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The totally gorgeous wife of Gerard Way (the lead singer of My Chemical Romance) and the bassist of Mindless Self Indulgence. She currently lives in West New York, New Jersey with her husband. Her trademark is her famous backbend she does at most shows, and her clothing style- she wears mini skirts, fishnets and highheeled boots. She also has several tattoos.

Lyn-Z and Gerard are an awesome couple. Anyone who thinks she sucks is a fucking asshole. She is very nice and they are in love. Deal with it.

by xxx_ember_xxx March 10, 2008

519๐Ÿ‘ 206๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lyn-Z, born as Lindsey Ann Ballato on May 22, 1979, is the extremely talented and very beautiful bass player of the incredible techno-punk band Mindless Self Indulgence, which she joined in 2001. She can complete impressive back bends while playing the bass and crowd surfs in most of her MSI shows. Lyn-Z recently married her longterm love, Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance (also known as the greatest alternative band ever).

"This band has worked our fucking asses off for 10 fucking years. We should play no matter what - sick, broken, we still played. Iv'e cried my eyes out before I've walked out on stage and still put on a performance that I was proud of. A lot of this comes back to my desire to inspire, particularly women, because when I was a kid and going to punk rock shows, there weren't any girls on stage playing instruments that weren't there as a pretty prop. Girls that weren't afraid to get their make-up smeared and look sweaty.. To be fearless and make the stage their own. It's what gets me out of bed in the morning. To suddenly have that all taken away from me, and become 'the wife of', is without a doubt the most disappointing and fucking heartbreaking thing that could ever happen, because it's exactly the opposite of what I stand for. It's not only detrimental to me as a person, but the message that this fucking conveys to the girls that come to see us play is 'You can work your ass off for ten years and you can be amazing, but at the end of the day you will simply be who you're married to. Is this nineteen-fucking-fifty-three?" - Lyn-Z

by BrookeB June 12, 2008

415๐Ÿ‘ 164๐Ÿ‘Ž