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Music Television

The visual equivalent putting your dick in a running blender.

You might think a channel with music in its title might have some form of discernable music, but alas, you're slammed in the face with the sledgehammer of false advertising. Instead, you're treated to the lowest forms of reality tv and the occasional live audio cast of a banshee being sawed in half with a video feed of Britney Spears on top of it.

MTV: the elusive and long-sought cause of aneurisms and spontaneous combustion.

by mousetrap August 4, 2005

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A shitty TV program that took their 2 only decent programs off their channel which were Beavis and Butthead and Jackass.

MTV is shit.

by psycho bitch April 3, 2004

75๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Television station that convinces everyone your lifestyle and clothing choice is a reflection of what music you listen to. They have recently decided to do nothing but embrace the world through pop culture eyes and stop trying to simply supply the masses with some tunes without biased selection. This wouldn't be that damn bad if they only didn't run it into the ground with a network that oozes a pure and utter conformity plan that will suck the life out of every person who genuinley wants to be an individual.

Girl 1: What are you watching?
Girl 2: MTV!
Girl 1: Didn't they used to play music on that channel?

<i>"what to wear, what to eat, what to feel, what to think, how to act, how to speak, insecure, incomplete."</i>

by julieeee May 14, 2005

50๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The video that killed the radio star.

Video killed the radio star.

by kae September 13, 2004

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Manufacturer of teeny boppers.

Wow I watched MTV TRL and learned how to be punk like Good Charlote and Anvil Lagivngeiehaoidhsiod. Tee hee hee.

by ryan June 24, 2003

227๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A terrible show that has only one purpose: ruin music. It also is home to the worfst shows EVER (TRL, Real World...my ass, Made, Punk'd, MTV Kareooke, etc...) It was cool when it first started. Then went downhill after the eighties. Or after they cancelled Beavis and Butthead thanx to pussies like Tipper Gore.

"MTV is to music, as KFC is to chicken"

by Khanrad July 8, 2003

60๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A G-d awful network that must be purged off the airwaves. It is like VOA for stupid pre-teens and teens who want to see videos controlled by MTV's controlled playlist which is carefully controlled by JIVE and Capitol so nothing that isnt shitty pop will ever be shown. The network does come up with good animation series, but prematurely takes them off to twist your nads a little.

I have lost what little respect I had for MTV since those bastards cancelled 3-South. FUCKING PRICKS!!!!!!!!

by Not so super DJ Gennady February 24, 2003

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