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machine gun

It means when you pull out and cum repeatedly on a girls face while imitating a machine guns noise.

He did the "Machine Gun" on me last night it startled me a first but realized it was just a facial.

by the first of landonia February 8, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

machine gun

Machine gun,
A gun that fires automaticly and shoots lots of rounds very quickly.

Take the Machine gun "m16"

by Busta dogg May 15, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Machine gun sex

Machine gun sex is characterized by violent, rapid, repeated thrusts.

Susie was suffering from exhaustion, after a marathon of bout of machine gun sex!

by I, Wreckerrr October 15, 2016

machine gun couple

A machine gun couple is a interracial couple, especially between a white woman and a black man, but it can be between any races. The use of the word machine gun instead of any gun is partially inspired by Jacob Zuma singing that he will shoot the boer with the machine gun

Yuck. I see a machine gun couple between some black guy and a white woman. Ben, do you have my machine gun? I need to shoot them.

by HandleBrake12 August 3, 2019

machine gun starter

When a car battery doesn't have enough juice to turn over the engine, but has enough to make the starter produce a very loud fast clicking noise, which is very close to the sound made by many sub machine guns.

Will usually scare the living shit out of anyone standing near your car.

Dude 1: That guy had a machine gun starter. It scared the fuck out off me!

Dude 2: Yeah, i gave him a jump later.

by Macgyverman1233 January 7, 2014

machine gun poop

when your on the toilet and your poop shoots out so fast it splashes your butt.

Today, i went to the bathroom and had an unhappy machine gun poop.I had to wipe my cheeks as well.

by donald wennferding December 19, 2010

Machine Gun Typing

Rapid stop and go typing that one does when instant messaging. Can be identified by the tell tale sounds of:

and so on...

Named because it sounds like and has a similar rhythm to firing an automatic weapon. Usually not that annoying, but can be incredibly irritating when done by that lazy co-worker always slacking off at work or that college roommate that IMs until 5am every night.
Also known simply as "machine gunning".

Coworker 1: "Can you assist us with this project? We need everybody's help, because there's a ton of work."

Coworker 2: "I'm really busy right now. Kind of overwhelmed."

Coworker 3: "Bullshit! All you're doing is IMing your friends. It's pretty damn obvious by your constant machine gunning. Now do your frikkin' job."

I really needed to crash because I had the spins from partying too hard, but I was kept up all night by my herb of a roommate machine gun typing to girls he'll probably never meet in real life.

by Toonces the Driving Kat May 15, 2010