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Blue energy bar used by Non-Rogue,Warrior,Pets and Death knight players in the MMORG,World of warcraft,Used as currency so Mana users can cast spells.
Druids and Priests' Mana are boosted by Spirit.
Warlock,Shaman,Magi,Hunters and Paladins' Mana are boosted by Intellect.
Used by: Druids,Shaman,Warlocks,Magi,Paladins,Priests,Hunters.

Zomg you have shit for healing you stupid Nub healadin,You need more +Int,Mana p5s and +healing gear for more Mana.

by Sheripper July 16, 2008

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


an ancient concept for energy. a supernatural force believed to dwell in a person or sacred object. general term for totem and taboo. integrity. prestige. power and authority. charisma.
associated with maternal, or lunar magic in mythology

She has Mana. Her Mana glows in her eyes.

by WinterMyrtle February 6, 2010

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


What cool people do. This is a verb that can mean whatever you want it to. Usually used with sexual connotations.

"Dude we Manased all last night. It was so great, you shoulda been there."
"Dude where were you Manasing? I wanted to come!"
(Teacher to students) "stop Manasing around!"
"We should go Manas later" (girl slaps him, walks away)

by Manasing around October 28, 2009

26πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A homosexual brown figure that prefers underclassmen boys for the night.

You’re acting like Manas, stop going for freshmen.

by manastheff December 31, 2019

17πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A very fun and silly boy. He is enough for everyone and makes a great leader. Commonly known as chanas, he is great at swearing in Marathi.

My class representative is so cool, he's such a Manas.

by Shaaachi February 14, 2019


The best person to ever exist and the sexiest most handsome beast to ever walk this planet.

Wow he is so hot, he must be Manas

by Hldysudificofkfkf April 10, 2022


A Sexy Beast. One with a huge cock, and gigantic balls. Known for being sweet and gentle when it comes to women.

Oh he's a Manas

by spedcat March 10, 2023