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A male that is 5ft to 5ft4 tall.

Aziz: LOL, look at that turbo-manlet over there!
Said: Must suck being shorter than a girl, LOL!

by Zyzz1 August 24, 2017

2098๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Manlet Monday

A time where a bunch of friends get together on monday and party. Usually listening to chief keef. They honor their friend emmanuel with this day. And it also is starting to honor PkJr.

"Are you fuckin stoked for manlet monday?" - Sun
"Hell yeah. Im gonna twerk!" - Martinez

by goaart June 4, 2021

21๐Ÿ‘ 618๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tall Manlet

A tall person that avereges about 6'3 or 6'2 that is skinny and anyone that is 5'9 or below could kick their ass.

I don't get it The tall Manlet is taking the blonde but that's not safe, the fact that she is confident is sad as anyone could drop that Tall Manlet.

by Darte March 31, 2016

9๐Ÿ‘ 1884๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beady Eyed Beta Manlet

An eye popping short fella who goes to the gym to workout arms while wearing a muscle shirt and booty shorts. This person also enjoys trolling and creating fail memes.

Person 1: Have you seen Gary lately?

Person 2: Nah, I think he's in the gym being a beady eyed beta manlet.

Person 1: Yeah, he needs to chill with that.

by shiv4m July 6, 2015

1893๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

receiding haired manlet

A person whose hairline is receding. This person is also a manlet aka short man who wishes he was tall.

Wow johnson look at that receiding haired manlet over there.

damn hes short, I didn't know that they exsisted.

by bobby light69696969 October 27, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 1897๐Ÿ‘Ž

myopic manlet

The cerebrally and physically stunted myopic manlet is a microscopic mental midget of a minuscule manlet boy, who shortsightedly sees only the literally subhuman suffering of his own small-minded dwarven kind because, due to his eternal inability to grow up and be the bigger man, big picture thinking goes right over his pea-brained, little head. Deceased myopic manlets can often be found squashed flat as a pancake on country roads next to their close relative the, by comparison majestic, toad. Myopic manlets can easily be driven to venting their pent-up manlet rage and throwing a hissy fit with innocent questions and observations, such as: "Manlet detected.", "Nice high heels, my girlfriend has the same pair.", "Are you classified as a turbo-manlet? How tall are you?", "Aren't you the midget who played the manletservant Nick Nack in The Man with the Golden Gun?"

Manmore 1: Hey, why is that little girl crying in front of that beauty salon? Manmore 2: Myopic manlet detected. I think his new acrylic nails broke off when he got mauled by that chihuahua over there. Manmore 1: Lol, the victorious chihuahua even took the sissy manlet's high heels! Manmore 2: Manlets rise up!

by ManletDepreciator September 16, 2024

military manlet

The military manlet is an overcompensating manlet boy who, in a fit of Napoleon complex-induced insanity, has signed up for active duty with the United States Armed Forces. Here the useless and effeminate manlets are generally used as cannon fodder when deployed in the absurd spectacle known as the manlet wave attack tactic, but can also be traded as war brides, serve as portable human shields or can be used as an emergency fortification when stacked up as a barricade in lieu of sandbags. The military manlet is always keen to raise the morale of the actual soldiers in his platoon by donning an Oompa Loompa costume and dancing a merry jig atop a mess hall table as the surrounding military manlets clap in unison while dancing in a circle like the fairies that they are and all the manmores pelt him with height boosting insoles. As an encore Manletlyn Monroe performs smash hits such as "High Heels Are A Manlets Best Friend" and "Bye Bye Masculinity" to further entertain the troops.

Why is that pantsed military manlet lying face down in the mud over there? The silly sissy manlet broke one of his high heels while prancing around on the obstacle course and threw a hissy fit, so the real soldiers just left him there. Never leave a man behind - that obviously doesn't apply to manlets.

by ManletDepreciator August 22, 2024