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Manon Legrand

Manon Legrand - , is a video character from the Street Fighter series as 1 of the new characters in Street Fighter 6. She is a French judo fighter, who's also a ballet dancer &

fashion model.


Manon Legrand is a French woman with short light pink hair , . She wears a royal blue singlet with red, white & blue streaks, with cutouts around her torso & hips. Embedded on her collar is a gold medal with 2 abstract figures, with 1 throwing the other. On top of her singlet, Manon wears a white gi with a blue trim, with the sleeves rolled up & the waist tied with a black judo belt. Her matching blue footguards & wristbands have white stripes across them.


A super model & world champion judo, Manon is an idealist, forever seeking self-improvement in the pursuit of beauty. She struts the catwalk of street fighting to become the world's strongest model.

Fighting style

Manon combines judo with ballet, utilizing various maneuvers that involve her "dancing" with her opponent. Many of her attacks utilize her long legs to attack from far ranges, complementing her powerful close-range throws.

Manon's Level 1 Super Art, Arabesque, has Manon lunge forward across the screen. Her Level 2 Super Art Etoile is a series of flying kicks that serve as a powerful combo-ender, reversal, & anti-air option. Finally, Pas de Deux is a Level 3 Super Art command grab that has Manon dance with her opponent before slamming them to the ground.

Manon Legrand


Manon is depicted as being idealistic who seeks herself for her self-improvement in beauty and enjoys street fighting which she wanted to become the world's strongest model by using her main fighting skills. Aside from being idealistic, Manon is also shown to be snobbish & haughty , she loves to fight strong opponents . Nevertheless, Manon is not without a standard, such having a strong despise of people with hidden evil agendas.


Manon was pitched with ballet & judo Feeling that making a normal judo would be boring , Manon's design would be modernized with grace in her feet movements, making her distinctly French by adding ballet as part of their inspiration. Her French heritage came from the sport's popularity in that there , with France having the 2nd highest number of Olympic medals behind Japan.


Manon uses a unique Medal system that powers up her grab-based special moves. Every command grab or Renversé hit-grab she lands increases the Medal level by one, up to a maximum of 5 levels.

by Blu_leef July 1, 2023

Dirty Manon

A French girl who's a hottie, she's often an Aquarius, she like fromage and the baguette because she's French. She tends to like wine a little too much, you will always have a good time with a dirty Manon.

Omg she's a dirty Manon, she eat baguette while she's drunk, look !

by Manonthefrench May 26, 2020

Keitumetse Manone

Keitumetse Manone,is a skinny yellow boy thts so handsome, tht he just might be a billionaire juss for being tht cute...he got wht thy call a skinny nice body,he's future wife is he's bestfriend who's considered very attractive by many people,but even her she believes he's way cuter then him! Defined

You so cute u juss might earn the name Keitumetse Manone! Defined

by Yeahicandraw October 11, 2017

3👍 10👎


Manon is the girl everyone likes. Sometimes she can be the quiet girl, but often you can't even look at each other or else you will laugh. She is also the best friend you can have especially your name is shannon, because then they say sjennen&menen <3

Sjennen&menen (shannon and manon)

by Hello@everyone November 22, 2021


Winks als öd als dk

Keinen d dnmMANON

by Chiara malt rle January 4, 2017

Manon Bromwich

Manon Bromwich is a really hot new kid

Omg she is a Manon Bromwich

by Loch negar November 23, 2021