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the game that ex-runescape players play when they get tired of runescape. its that much better...

"do you play runescape?"

"not any more, maplestory is way better. i remember playing runescape. it sucked badly."

by notaznbutmexi-Can March 18, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.You usually get sucked into this game by your friends, which fail school to play this load of ass. You start out on a plank of wood with some whiny bitch yelling at you. She doesn't shut up until you give her some attention.

Then you go into a tree, wearing this genital-crunching apple suit. Clever huh? Apple, in a tree. HAHAHAAHAHA, we're all laughing, cause it's so creative and new.

It takes about 10000 hours to gain a level. You might get addicted but after a while it gets boring. It is said to be better than runescape. An upside is that it's too gay for pedophiles. That's about it.

2.An excellent way to end your life.


4. Makes you switch genders.


person 2: Oh, you're a noob. I can pwn 24 mushrooms at a time, so you lose at life. Go hang yourself.

Another person #1: Hey, I'm really horny. Wanna makeout?

Another person #2: FUCK NO, MAN!!! I'm PWning some snails now! UBER PWNAGE!11111!!!

Another nother person #1: Hey, you should probably do your algebra homework instead of playing maplestory all day.

Another nother person #2: HAHAHA! That's for LOSERS! I'll just act sick or somethin and somehow pull off an A+! MY plan is foolproof! I'm gonna go talk on vent now. STFU NuB!1!!11lol!11!

by blue ackie February 24, 2008

75๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


A highly addictive mmorpg that started with BETA in 2004 and was released towards the end of 2005. Even right now, there are hundreds of thousands of players. Probably even millions. This game is popular amongst different age groups and people of maturity level. It is extremely addictive and repetitive, yet fun.

You start as a beginner, citizen, and such. Then you can choose many different jobs, including new ones that were added like Wild Hunter, Battle Mage and Mechanics.. The game was once tedious due to difficulty and time wasted in leveling up, but it was improved. Imagine how the people who worked their asses off got to level 200 in the past and found out it is easier to level now?

MapleStory seems to be the only game that seems truly free and all benefits and advantages in their cash shop are time limited which makes the game fair to "free" players. Unfortunately, the game also has numerous jerks, morons, hackers and kill-stealers. This game has potential, and can be fun, but the community and hackers may turn you away. It sure did for me!

MOST people in this game can't share and think they own an entire map for themselves. There are only 20 channels and probably 13,000 people wanting to train in the same place. This game is like virtual drama all day, everyday.

*Person 1 is killing Twisted Jesters in MapleStory until Person 2 came along.*

Person 2: Yo, this is my map. cc plzzz before I ks you
Person 1: If I keep ccing for everyone, then where would I go?
Person 2: i dunno but if you stay I will ks u


*102 people are in the free market in channel 1 and someone disconnected everyone from the game and it's been going on for days without stopping*


*You just logged on into a map that you were in previously that is highly populated*

Stranger: cc plzzzzzz i was here first


*You are killing monsters and someone shows up on the map and wasn't happy you were already there. S/he claims you were ksing, so they call a high level friend to come bully you*

by Bubbles665 January 31, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A roleplay game that is very addicting. It becomes boring around level 50. There are different jobs:
Rouge, Bowman, Magician, and Warrior.
You advance to one of those at level 10. (8 for magician)
Once you get to level 30, you choose the next path you're going. There are many different choices, but choose wisely.

It is very chibi, and there are various noobs. There are also "hidden maps", called "hidden-streets."

The official website is:
And you can't join Scania, because its full.

In the game, Maplestory, message nightwingz. (I'm on Scania)
Good luck. :

by Rei. July 12, 2006

212๐Ÿ‘ 181๐Ÿ‘Ž


damn good mmorpg. kinda like the old super mario games, but with an rpg and change-ur-clothes twist.

bob: yo, i play Everquest and its da bomb
me: everquest sux cuz u gotta pay
bob: well maplestory just plain sux
me: but its free :)

by pikle March 3, 2005

341๐Ÿ‘ 309๐Ÿ‘Ž


The story of the symbol that appears on the Canadian flag, the maple leaf.

It's not about the boring overanimed MMORPC (Massively Multiplayer Online Rigged Piece of Crap) that some Koreans stole the name from because they don't know about copyrights.

Jealous bastards.

Canada fight back!

Person 1 - "Do you play Maplestory, all the cool Asians are playing it!"

Person 2 - "I don't want to play a game about the history of the maple leaf of Canada."

P1 - "But it's not! It's this anime ba..."

P2 - "Oh crap that's worse! Most good Anime died before the 2000s."

P1 - "But Bleach..."

P2 - "...Is an overlonged piece of crap just like Maplestory."

by The Phantomnaut May 26, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


The polar opposite of RuneScape. It is an MMORPG that you will have fun playing, then stop for whatever reason and never want to play again. On the contrary, RuneScape is a game that isn't really fun to play but you'll always come back to it when you're bored.

A: "Hey, wanna go do something productive with our lives?"
B: "Nah, playing MapleStory."
A: "KK, I'll ask again in a month"
B: "Sure thing, I'll probably be tired of stabbing tree stumps with butter knives by then."

by Eclair Blanc June 6, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž