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Where they package your hopes and dreams into shitty food and sell them for $2.99

Person #1: I can’t believe McDonalds made me get fat!
Person #2: Yeah, it’s totally alllll their fault.
Person #1: I know! I’ll sue them!

by Danny picklesworth May 1, 2019


1.) A popular fast food chain that invented calories and hormone-treated cows. 2.) Michelle Obamas immortalized enemy.

"Mom, get me a friggin' McChicken from McDonalds."

by BertrandVonbon September 3, 2015

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Complete and udder shit. A lying, stupid, money-hungry fast food business that just wants your money and doesn't care about its green hamburger patties.

Big n' Tasty, McGriddle, Fish Fillet

by yo-what-is-up-my-dawg November 1, 2003

134πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


a place where they siphon the toilets directly to the... uhh... "chocolate milkshakes"

a place where they clean up dried cum and use them for french fries

a place for freaks with red hair, noses and white faces

a place where sausages REALLY ARE pig and/or rat intestines

damn that's some really fuckin good McDonald's! wanna go add sumthin to their milkshakes?

by Dj Masta Cheez September 26, 2004

90πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


A corpse that has been made into a burger. The fries are from there penis.
The buns are there asscheeks and the
blood is ketchup.

by My name? July 27, 2003

21πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A 100% comercial capitalist organisation that sells people crap instead of food. People still buy it, though, because they're stupid and want to play with the little and useless toys they give with happy meals. Actually, it's a hidden alien organisation that wants to take over the world, and it seems to be doing very well at it.

by Nat July 28, 2003

100πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


And obviously Kyle was one of those multiple-chinned, lard-ass losers who did the suing..

Put the fork down, fatass!

by Kyle March 3, 2005

77πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž