A bot with garbage timing found in almost every single discord server
"Mee6 just leveled me up and I was talking about how I failed my math test."
a degenerate discord bot that to use anything on it, you have to give the developer your money and it doesnt like people who are against it. No Text To Speech got banned from the mee6 server and it doesnt like the alternatives to mee6 website.
me - @mee6 alternativestomee6.com
mee6 - SorRy tHiS rEQueSt dOEs nOT cOMpLy wiTh tHE mEE6 cONtEnT pOLiCY MoDiFY iT aND tRY aGaiN
me - ?ban @mee6 not fulfilling server owner request
mee6 - haha lol you cant ban me
me - overpriced discord bot, dyno and sapphire are clearly better choices.
me - ?role removeall @mee6
me - ?ban mee6 pay to use
The reincarnation of evil itself, a fucking disappointment which should be strangled whenever looked at. The worse discord bot to exist in all of discord. A little shit.
Mee6 I will fucking kill you
the discord bot that every one loves
A discord bot that tell you that you have leveled up after you just ranted about your traumatic experiences and addictions.
P1 : I'm gonna fucking kill myself Im losing control I'm on the roof I'm gonna fucking do it
MEE6 : GG @Name ! You have leveled up !
Also MEE6 : Ban the user fir saying "fucking"
A popular discord bot who discord users love to make fun of. MEE6 is a bot with many purposes. An example of a server with MEE6 would be the author of this definition's server, which can be found by using the invite code of J6XDnBBFFt . MEE6 has features such as moderation, birthdays, announcing twitch streams, and more.
MEE6 is a good bot.
Mee6 is a discord bot which was recently exposed by a internet celebrity called NoTextToSpeech with over 519K subscribers.
For scummy actions such as
1. making crypto coins
2. making features premium (GOOD features)