Source Code

Lowres Member

Creatures from the lowest pit of hell. Obsessed with cum and lolis and obviously low resolution memes. There's no saving them.

Guy1: Have you heard anything about **** lately?
Guy2: I heard he became a Lowres Member.
Guy1: Oh lowd, he needs to be erased.

by Roswaal October 20, 2022

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upstanding member

Hard on erection

Kat says Tony is a Upstanding Member

The bonus is he is a productive Member

by Tonythetiler July 29, 2021

BBG Member

(derogatory) an active member of a bigoted online group

person 1 : ew that guy is so rude!
person 2: : he's probably a bbg member

by Schmidt Jones May 27, 2021

member berries

The answer to America's tolerance and sensitivity crisis, 'member berries are tasty morsels of organic nostalgia. 'Member berries are fresh and crisp, but make us remember the old as we consume the new. First investigated by South Park, 'member berries will restore our sense of patriotism and freedom.

We all want something new, but that makes us remember the things we love. We want to 'member. We need your 'member berries!

'Member Chewbacca?

by isblueacolor September 16, 2016

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Lowres member

is a disgusting weaboo from the facebook group "lowrespicslol group, lowres mk3, lowres mkultra etc"

"dude that man has a weird anime armpit fetish"

"bro he's a lowres member"

by probably a lowres member August 19, 2022

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Member Mingle

When your girl continues to fondle your cock and balls with loving care and affection post coitus.

I nutted up Charleen real good last night after which he gave me a nice member mingle for about 20 minutes till I passed out.

by Eaton Holgoode November 11, 2015

cast member

An employee of Disneyland, Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris, or Disneyland Tokyo.

Departments include, but are not limited to:
- Attractions (the best)
- Foods, including Outdoor Vending (ODV)
- Custodial
- Merchandise
- Entertainment
- Maintenance
- Security
- Guest Relations
- Main Entrance
- Etc.

See also: guest, Fastpass, backstage, onstage, lead

The cast member at "Honey, I Shrunk the Audience" was asked where the Fastpass for Space Mountain was located for perhaps the one-hundredth time that day.

by amg May 3, 2003

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