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Metal Head

Some of these descriptions area little bland so I'm going to try and tie up the loose ends. Metal Head attire isn't really necessary, though due to the music they listen to this generally defines their fashion. A band t-shirt supporting a band of either thrash, death, heavy or shred metal is usually seen, from the older forty plus year old metal heads, right down to the younger generation. Pants aren't that important and generally they adopt a set of baggy jeans, camo cargos or anything they can find such as old black slacks. Though Metal Heads are very defensive of their musical tastes they also respect certain alternate rockers, mainly for their instrumental expertise (Vai, Satriani, Herman Li, Yngwie Malmsteen). Hair is usually shaven or grown long, often left greasy. Facial hair may include a beard or clean shaven - though as before, nothing is definate. Shoes are generally a set of black pumps (generally not converse) or dark shades of skate shoes. Coats are often seen, either a dark green or camo with some adopting a leather jacket style attire with metal parts. They often have a tight knit group of friends, around 3 to 5 in number who they are most probably part of a band with and take part in recreational activities such as going to gigs and sitting around talking in town. Though calm they can be extremely strong when antagonised and Neds should never mistake a Metal Head for an emo, whom they despise for bringing down an entire sub-culture of metal into an abyss of pop. They generally have a good sense of humour and once befriended become a strong accomplice. Most real metal heads hate Nu-metal for dipping its feet into the pop-culture and will offend any music related to it or simply shun it away. (System of a Down, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, K0rn, NOFX, Green Day...)

Heavy metal bands - Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath etc
Thrash metal bands - Old School Metallica, Megadeth, Mastodon etc
Death/Heavy metal bands - Slayer, Pantera, Damageplan. Meshuggah, Iced Earth, Children of Bodom, Cannibal Corpse.
Alternate/Progressive metal/neo-classical - Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Rhapsody, Dragonforce, Yngwie Malmsteen, Dream Theatre.

These are a collection of the usual music influences Metal Head's have.

by Daniel Lewis May 3, 2006

74πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

metal head

Alot of the definitions on here are pretty accurate, but I'll fill in the gaps.

First off, I'm a metal head, so I'll write this as unbiased as I can. Metal heads are simply a person who listens to, likes, and UNDERSTANDS all types of metal exluding Nu./Alt. metal. Yes, most metal heads have long or close shaven hair, but thats not true for all. Band shirts and jeans are common, but not all of us wear them. Personally I wear bondage pants (i.e. Tripps), because I find them alot more comfortable than jeans. We tend to keep a very close circle of friends, but we will respect anyone who shows us respect and isn't fake about who they are. We view ALL of our fellow metal heads as brothers and sisters, regardless of race, religion, etc. We will also acknowledge any artist for their talent, even if we don't like them.

Alot of people might be turned away from metal heads because we can look pretty intimidating, and let's face it, we are known for our love of a good pit, and our love for a good fight. But, once you get to know us, we are some of the most calm, down to earth people you will ever meet.

Only the Kings of Metal themselves, ManOwaR, could write a fitting song about the true metal heads, The Brothers of Metal.

"Strike while the iron is hot
Steel is strongest, so say we all
And if we all were not brothers of metal would we fall?
They tried to test our spirit
They tasted steel before we were done
Grinding their bones into the dust of the past
All blown away like a shot from a gun

We cast our lot together four still stand as one
Here we'll remain forever till our kindgdoms one

Brothers of metal
We are fighting with power and steel
Fighting for metal metal that's real
Brothers of metal will always be there
Standing together with hands in the air

Let us drink to the power drink to the sound
Thunder and metal are shaking the ground
Drink to your brothers who are never to fall
We are brothers of metal here in the hall

Our hearts are filled with metal and masters we have none
And we will die for metal, metal heals, my son

Brothers of metal
We are fighting with power and steel
Fighting for metal that's all that's real
Brothers of metal will always be there
Standing together with hands in the air

Let us drink to the power drink to the sound
Thunder and metal are shaking the ground
Drink to your brothers who are never to fall
We are brothers of metal here in the hall

Brothers of metal
We are fighting with power and steel
Fighting for metal that's all that's real
Brothers of metal will always be there
Standing together with hands in the air."

by Metal2theGrave October 13, 2006

54πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Metal Head

although i agree w/nearly everything most other posts say about metal heads, i will add my own reminiscing, er definition...my fave metal heads in HS were some of the funniest f*cking guys i knew-usu sat away from the popular kids, jocks etc. in the lunchroom & were down-to-earth/no bs. One of my best memories was one particular guy i knew, eddie, who would loudly squawk like a chicken down the hallway, & was once known to trade shit like knives for a bag of weed. most metal heads would give you sh*t for listening to anything they'd consider gay, and loved to bust your balls, esp. the guys, such as tease you in class or generally shake things up...and it’s true, most metal-heads are really knowledgeable about their music & lyrics & should def. not be f'd with; they are some of the realest people in h.s. as far as i was concerned & it pissed me off when ppl would think they weren't as bright or whatever..stupid stereotypes. the same guy I mentioned earlier would cut class & STILL do better than most of the other straight-edge kids..metal helped us cope in h.s. b/c it's one of the hardest times in life & a lot of those kids coming up had it harder than their preppier kids who lived in a f*ckin’ suburban bubble....i listened to G N' R all of 10th grade & lost my virginity to 'hell's bells' so i say yeah, metal ain't dead yet...cheers to metal-heads everywhere; the clothes maybe ain’t the same, but you know who you are!

Dudes: Back in the 90's guys wore Slayer or Metallica t's, trenches, black denim or maybe a black biker jacket. Typically metal heads I knew had long hair, sometimes stringy & occasionally of the beloved mullet varietal. Others often sported an earring & some skull & crossbone jewelry, plus black Vans hightops or combat boots. Throw on a flannel & a concert t and you’ve got the look.
Chicks: the girls usually wore lots of black eyeliner, acid-washed jeans, feathered hair & were frequently busted smoking in the girls room while teasing their giant hair with a can of aqua net...good times!

by drkittie73 December 4, 2008

16πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

metal head

someone who listens to metal and dresses in the style, ie band t-shirt, long hair, jeans (any, from baggy to tight)

metal rules!
yeah, metal!

by The Cuntsaw October 23, 2003

122πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

metal head

tall, long hair, and a 12 inch

that metal head hot

by canabisdfs March 4, 2009

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Metal Head

Us "Metal Heads" received our name by our music, lifestyles, and fashion trends. Fashion trends can range depending on what type of Metal Head you are. Tight jeans, leather jackets, and curly hair were inspired by Thrash Bands in the 80's such as Slayer, Metallica, Anthrax, and Megadeth. Death Metal fashion trends are alike in some ways. Tight jeans and sometimes leather jackets are worn, though hair styles usually differ. Hair styles for the Death Metal fan incude long greasy dark hair, sometimes straightened. (ex. Glen Benton, George Fisher) This look was inspired by bands like Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel, and Cannibal Corpse. Black Metal is far from the dressing style of Death and Thrash Metal. Black Metal (sometimes known as Viking Metal) clothing includes tight leather armor with spikes. Hair is usually dyed black and straightened. Dedicated fans or bands cover their faces with "Corpse Paint." This style is influenced by Mayhem, Bathory, and Emporer.The last type is not even considered to Metal to hardcore fans. This genre is called "Nu Metal". The clothing trends used by the Nu Metal fan are Emo. These people are known as posers.

The Metal Head has an interesting personality as well. They are quiet and friendly, but when angered, are the most dangerous people. Their anger, frustration, unreleased rage, and adrenaline rush create a deadly combination of power and is a force not to be reckoned with. Some of them are sometimes influenced by their favorite bands' lyrical content in fights. (ex. Cannibal Corpse, Obituary) This is what really makes them dangerous.

This is a dedication to all you other Metal Heads out there. Keep supporting Death, Black and Thrash.

Glen Benton George Fisher Glen Benton Metal Head

by Metallic Preacher September 22, 2009

19πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A misspelling of 'metalhead', usually made by unemployed weed-smoking losers who listen to 'classic rock' (whatever that is) and got beaten up by metalheads in high school.

I hate metal-heads! They always sucker punch me in the throat when I'm trying to listen to Ted Nugent!

by LOLclassicrock October 6, 2008

33πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž