A counter to happenstance when a person feels that God is at work, and He is possibly, though not necessarily, being rather cheeky about it.
"You won't believe this, man. Something today told me I should call Max... It's been like 5 years since we even spoke. I really didn't want to, but I just kept feeling like I should. Kept nagging at me. So I sent him message and, look you can see, he messaged me at the EXACT SAME TIME!"
"What? That's crazy! Sounds like holy mischief to me, brother!"
A Secretive act done behind someone’s back
Tom and karen were up to some Mischief, by attempting to steal the chocolate from the top shelves
Mischief is a fishing simulator dev that is a w
Jake: did u hear about mischief
Jimmy: Yea he is a w
A male dog that will fucking bite you and make you bleed and cry in pain and not give a fuck. Mischief is a name meaning trouble and no good. Mischief or Chief has the audacity to jump and knock you down without a fucking care in the world.
Mischief knocked down the neighbors mailbox without giving a fuck.