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Holy Mischief

A counter to happenstance when a person feels that God is at work, and He is possibly, though not necessarily, being rather cheeky about it.

"You won't believe this, man. Something today told me I should call Max... It's been like 5 years since we even spoke. I really didn't want to, but I just kept feeling like I should. Kept nagging at me. So I sent him message and, look you can see, he messaged me at the EXACT SAME TIME!"

"What? That's crazy! Sounds like holy mischief to me, brother!"

by Aje before beauty December 18, 2023


A Secretive act done behind someone’s back

Tom and karen were up to some Mischief, by attempting to steal the chocolate from the top shelves

by Bri_meens March 13, 2022


Mischief is a fishing simulator dev that is a w

Jake: did u hear about mischief
Jimmy: Yea he is a w

by Redjacko6 May 28, 2023


A male dog that will fucking bite you and make you bleed and cry in pain and not give a fuck. Mischief is a name meaning trouble and no good. Mischief or Chief has the audacity to jump and knock you down without a fucking care in the world.

Mischief knocked down the neighbors mailbox without giving a fuck.

by I SpeckFromExperience September 26, 2020