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The act of snorting the soft drink Sierra Mist in order to achieve a high. Also known as getting Foggy.

Man, Zack was misting hard core last night, he was foggy as fuck bro.

by B-nugg March 22, 2010

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When you dip your fan in water and start fanning yourself or others.

That bitch took her fan dipped it in the holy water and started misting herself with the water of the gods.

by The Gay Squad July 16, 2017

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Fanny Mist

V, Fanny Mist is when a woman doesn't wash her vag for days on end & it's so bad down there she develpos fanny mist. Fanny mist can be toxic to breath in as fumes can lead to choking. To prevent fanny mist all a woman has to do is wash her vag.

Adam was about to start eating Jackie out when he was struck by her fanny mist & taken aback by the fumes he says "Jackie you have fanny mist i think you need a shower"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother April 2, 2019

Poo Mist

When your fart is so dense you can almost feel, smell, and taste it in the are. Its like a light rain (mist) in a humid climate, however the weather is from your butt.

Guy1: Damnit, what is that? its like i walked into a stinky cloud!
Guy2: HAHA, you just walked into poo mist.

by Kermitp October 23, 2015

cranberry mist

When a girl on her period queefs and a red, bloody mist sprays out of her vagina.

I went down on my girlfriend and didn't know she starting ragging until she queefed and I caught a cranberry mist in the face.

by cookiesandtits April 24, 2014

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muff mist

Like a fine fog when you walk into the real classy strip club.

I can't see charity doing her pole work through this muff mist.

by stalkmaster July 25, 2015

Ride The Mist

Is the feeling of sexual euphoria one experiences during the act of Vaping.

This is the most amazing vape I've ever experienced. That's when you Ride the Mist!

by wizardelite September 18, 2013