Source Code

Modern Warfare 2

A game that will make you scream at the tv because of the noobs that camp, grenade launcher whores, and knifers. A crappy repetitive game.

(Joe) "You want to go play Modern Warfare 2?"

(John) "No that game sucks, Im going to go play a game that takes real skill."

by NewDroopster September 25, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Modern Warfare 2

A game so good it get's me hard just thinking about it.

Modern Warfare 2 is so good that I literally got an erection in algebra class just thinking about it.

by RAWSTUNMEATLER November 13, 2009

494๐Ÿ‘ 337๐Ÿ‘Ž

Modern Warfare 2

A game that was promised to be amazing, but ended up being Infinity Ward's big cash in. If you think this game is amazing, a). have no taste, b). have never played something good.

"So I bought Modern Warfare 2 brand new thinking it would be great, improving on the original, but all I got was an expansion pack, with a piss poor single player, slightly better graphics, and a multiplayer so unbalanced it makes me wonder what happened to humanity."

"Dude, MW2 is amazing."

"Shut your whore mouth you have no taste."

by Ye Olde Hobo February 25, 2010

71๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Modern Warfare 2

Mostly known for it's online multiplayer.
Contains no bullshit whatsoever and is totally fair and balanced. *sarcasm*

Durrr...I couldn't possibly win a real 1 on 1 gunfight in an FPS, but luckily there's Modern Warfare 2.

by Tickles McLolz October 29, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Modern Warfare 2

Very unbalanced game. Don't say it is around fanboys or they will flame you to the death.

Me: Wow, another laggy game of Modern Warfare 2. What a surprise.

Friends: Its not fair because the people with better internet will be the ones doing better.


18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Modern Warfare 2

A shit sequel to an amazing game. Modern Warfare 2 is widely known for unbalanced weapons, maps designed for 'camping', a terrible online community and numerous ways to hack the game. The overall terribleness of the game lead many to boycott the Call of Duty series or Infinity Ward games.

Bob: "Dude, i walked into a room and was shot by 5 different people and two claymores went off. Their entire team is camping..."

Joe: "Can't hear you dude, there's some 8 year old screaming into his mic"

Bob: "Fuck Modern Warfare 2! I think ill go watch paint dry instead"

by Stan146 September 16, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Modern Warfare 2

Modern Warfare 2 is the second coming of Modern Warfare! The trailer was released a while back and loads of people went crazy as they seen perks in the corner! It was probably never going to be made, but World at War sucked so much they needed to get the fans back.

Guy 1: Hey have you seen the Modern Warfare 2 trailer?

Guy 2: No, haven't been doing much else, but hanging with my girlfriend since I leveled up on Prestige 10 on cod4!

Guy 2's girlfriend: Hey, what is Modern Warfare 2?

Guy 2: Your replacement when this hot piece of gaming heaven comes out muhahahahahaha lolzzzzz!

Guy 1: Haha, bitch!!

by Stekop1 May 5, 2009

245๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž